Jan 06, 2009 23:15

((Post the following info:
Character name: (Self-explanatory)
Open/closed: (Open if people can walk in on your conversation, closed if not)
Time: (from 6PM-8PM til 2AM)

Post away~! Here's the last one if you're unsure on how it works.))

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badasstrenches January 7 2009, 16:49:13 UTC
Character name: Surge
Open/closed: Open
Time: 9 PM

Surge had been on his way home from school when he suddenly got a snack craving. Not wanting to backtrack all the way to the cafeteria, he instead detoured to the first floor of the teacher's dorms. Although he normally wasn't one for vending machine junk food, he just couldn't ignore the craving.

As he neared the machines, he noticed some chairs lying about. Looking over, he noticed the makeshift bar as well. While normal people would have been confused, Surge immediately recognized it as a bar. After all, he had had drinks at worse dumps.

"Well, what have we here?" he grinned and pulled up a chair.


badasscopters January 8 2009, 17:01:58 UTC
Goose glanced over at Surge. Then Louie. Then Surge. ... Then Louie. "... fiiiiine. Just one. An' we'll stop fightin'."

He shrugged and glanced over at the guy who seemed to be manning the place. "Uh, you, 'fro barkeep guy. Your hair kicks ass Ya' got any beer here?" So much for getting drunk.


badasstrenches January 8 2009, 17:15:38 UTC
Surge nodded in approval as Goose ordered a beer.

"We weren't fightin'... Well, not really anyway. ... Did it really sound like we were?" Oh great, now they were bickering like an old married couple.

That thought made him cringe a bit.


hallwaybowling January 9 2009, 00:32:53 UTC
"Uh...yeah," Louie replied to Surge. "Whatever, man, 's all good."

"Beer? 'Course. Comin' up," Louie said to Goose as he turned and grabbed a can, then turned back around and set the can on the table. "That's $6.76."


badasscopters January 9 2009, 02:21:52 UTC
I never pay THAT much for one can o' beer! Geez, must be really good quality! The thought ran through his mind and he almost hesitated not to pay, but BOOZE WAS BOOZE. Thus, he forked over 7 bucks and popped the can open. "Hey, thanks~" Then he began guzzling it down as if he had never had a beer in years.


badasstrenches January 9 2009, 02:43:23 UTC
"No need to down it in one gulp," Surge watched in disbelief. You'd think Goose had never had alcohol before. The lieutenant wasn't limiting the pilot that much... was he?


badasscopters January 9 2009, 02:51:00 UTC
"But I ain't had a beer like this in a while!" Goose groaned and took another sip. "Ya' think a guy like me would have beer more often, but nooooo." Stupid limitin'. How come I can't control my own damn intake?


badasstrenches January 9 2009, 02:55:38 UTC
Surge frowned, "Well maybe if you knew your own limit, you wouldn't have this problem. Need I remind you of that one horrible hang-over you had? You know, the one where I had to come babysit you because it was so bad?"

"Maybe if you can prove to me that you can handle yourself, then maybe you could have beer more often," he folded his arms.


badasscopters January 9 2009, 21:26:54 UTC
Goose opened his mouth up, and then closed it. Opened... and then closed. Then finally, he decided to speak, keeping it short and simple as to not upset Louie again. "I could before an' I could handle the hangovers. I thought you'd, y'know, trust my instincts!"

He caught himself and then slugged down another drink. "... he told us not t' fight here, so I ain't talkin' about it anymore. We can later."


badasstrenches January 10 2009, 00:24:43 UTC
Oh right, the not fighting thing. Surge frowned, but kept his mouth shut. Now was not the time or place to talk about this anyway.

He downed the rest of his drink in one gulp. If the drinks weren't so pricey, he probably would have ordered another one.

After a minute of awkward silence, he muttered, "... Sorry..." He wasn't even sure if he had spoken loud enough for Goose to hear him. But even if the pilot hadn't, he wasn't going to repeat himself.


badasscopters January 10 2009, 00:47:26 UTC
Goose definitely didn't feel like speaking at a time like this. Drinking down the rest of his own drink, he nodded over to his boyfriend and muttered, "... I'm goin' home. See? Not drinkin' anymore."

... he then whispered, "... 'fro guy makes this shit expensive anyways," And thus, he stood up and added, "I'll be in the apartment waitin' for ya' to get home."

Then he flew away on Sharky in like... 15 minutes after oogling her for a while or some shit.

THE END. ((Unless you want to add more to this. 8U))


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