Happy Father's Day and Summer Solstice!

Jun 21, 2021 01:52

We celebrated the first today, for HalfshellHusband. Not so much the second-the winter solstice is bigger for us, mainly because HSH has Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Although nowadays, I like to imagine that the sun becomes noticeably less intense as we get farther away from June. I LOVE the extra daylight, but the summer temperatures? Ugh. ( Read more... )

hsh, tv, omg the weather, random

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Comments 8

bleodswean June 21 2021, 15:59:24 UTC
We, too, had to abandon ship on Blacklist. I wnat to try The Good Doctor, but can't find it on our services.

It's freaking blazing hot, K. UGH!


halfshellvenus June 21 2021, 19:47:32 UTC
I nearly bailed on The Blacklist after S4 (I think it was?), with Mr. Kaplan's storyline. It broke my heart.

But we hung on, and it's the last 2 season that have been such trouble. Ugh. Canon? What canon? We're reinventing it on the fly!

The heat here drives me absolutely crazy. Portland is more my preferred climate, so summers here (aka, anywhere from March to November) are awful. Do you have A/C up at your place? I can't remember. I know it doesn't get quite as hot as here, but not by much!

Kidling1 must hate Redding's weather with a passion, although she went to school in AZ, and if she was anywhere near Phoenix, Redding is slightly less bad...


bleodswean June 21 2021, 20:02:05 UTC
We love James and wanted The Blacklist to ROCK, and it did for a bit, but yeah, totally off the rails! Worse than Buffy! Let me know if it turns out to be worth sticking through.

I'm not a heat person either. I LOVED being in Oregon last week and would move in one second. Yeah, we don't have A/C here so it's ceiling fans and floor fans. This summer looks like it's going to be a scorcher. Will they brown and black out you guys?

Kilding1 adores the heat! Crazy! She's in her element up there. Plus they just bought a house with a pool so she's blissful.


halfshellvenus June 22 2021, 18:26:22 UTC
Fortunately, we're in the SMUD (Sacramento Municipal Utility District) zone! We never get pre-emptively shut off! Also, the rates are cheaper...

I can't believe Kidling1 loves the heat. Not THAT kind of heat. Yikes.

I'm not much of a swimmer myself, and that would require even more sunblock than I already have to put on for biking. Isn't Kidling1 pretty fair-skinned too?

How can they have bought a house already? Don't they have student loans for law school looming over them? Wonderful if they can manage both!


passing_through June 28 2021, 02:03:53 UTC
I was so excited about The Blacklist, thinking I was caught up due to watching season 7 on Netflix and when texting with my friend Lyn, I realized that season 8 just ended and I'm a whole season behind ( ... )


halfshellvenus June 28 2021, 07:54:14 UTC
I thought the Blacklist was supposed to end after S7, but then COVID hit and they wound up having to half-animate the final episode in order to get through the plot.

So then I thought they would just show a couple of S8 episodes and wind the series up, but apparently it's a whole season. And it's one I've spent being angry at Lizzie most of the time. The season with her suddenly-found-sister was maddening too. Possibly last year? Still peeved about the bastardization of Aram's character, too. S7 was SO wrong when it came to him.

Ressler HAS changed over time, and there was even some big backstory episode to show how that came about (which didn't feel at all real). But he's never grabbed me the way Harold and Aram have (Aram is so soulful), or Red and Dembe. I really liked Tom as well, but he's been gone from the series for a long time ( ... )


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