
Oct 06, 2020 01:57

Now that the "Grow-it-yourself" Homeropus is out of the water, he's slowly shrinking:

Today (6 days of shrinkage) Maximum size
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hsh, tv, me, octobuddy, omg the weather, random

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Comments 8

tsuki_no_bara October 6 2020, 20:05:53 UTC
homeropus looks smaller but chubbier now than he did six days ago. he's a lot brighter, too. and so cute with his dainty little feet! or "feet", i guess. i mean, do octopi even have feet?

man, poor hsh. i hope the pain passes soon.


halfshellvenus October 6 2020, 21:15:41 UTC
The lighting is kind of variable (depends on whether I take the picture during the daytime, and/or how much I edited the light-balance afterward), but his colors are always nice and vivid. :D

I think he looks even chubbier because those ends are so much smaller (and yes, daintier!) while there's still this giant 'bworp' in the middle where nothing has changed. Some of those tentacle tips were even pointing upward for awhile, but they've shifted again as the shrinkage creeps toward his middle. He's kind of de-morphing.

Also, there's a bit of a Vetruvian Octopus thing going on in that left-hand photo. \o?

Poor HSH indeed. He fell yesterday while trying to wash his hair in the laundry room sink, so things are hurting a LOT today... but probably just increased muscle pain, which should fade in a few days. That bone, though. It wants to just ACHE. :(


ellinou October 6 2020, 21:58:44 UTC
Look away, loooooooooooooooook aaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!


halfshellvenus October 6 2020, 22:30:00 UTC
Hahahaha! That isn't helping! :D


lyssa027 October 6 2020, 22:05:25 UTC
I really like the remake of A Series of Unfortunate Events, I should get back to watching it, I got into season 3 before I forgot about it


halfshellvenus October 6 2020, 23:36:27 UTC
The movie was dreadful (and there's too much plot and weirdness in that 13-book series to really do any of it justice).

But the show is tons of fun. Uncle Monty's landscaping and home decor! The "Salmonella" restaurant! The dreadful "Snow Zombies" movie!

The obnoxion of the horribly kill-worthy Carmelita Spats (who is even MORE annoying in human form than in writing)! \o/


openmoments October 12 2020, 05:38:16 UTC

Sending healing vibes to HSH and hope his pain goes down significantly and soon.

This year just doesn’t want to quit in terms of awful weather. At least you’re still able to get some biking in but I can definitely see how not being able to do it outside adds to the current level of frustration!


halfshellvenus November 6 2020, 20:36:17 UTC
Belated thanks for the good wishes for HSH!

The smoke finally cleared out of here, which helped so much. I can't believe it was just a month ago that it was all so bad, and maybe that's because we just don't expect that this time of year?

I mean, it was 93 on my birthday (October 19th), which I think is a record for the many "Why is it still summer?!?" birthdays I've had in Sacramento. And up through yesterday, I've still been biking in sleeveless jerseys because the day's highs have been around 80-82.

Now we're entering a phase of around 60-65, which is more normal for this time of year. I've been struggling with getting out early enough, because I just haven't adjusted to how early it gets dark (even worse now, since we went onto Standard time last weekend).

And the main reason for that is that it has felt entirely like summer here until 2 weeks ago. How can we be losing daylight in what feels like August? :O


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