Original Fiction: "The Wanderer"

Oct 30, 2015 19:46

Title: The Wanderer
Fandom: Original Fiction
Rating: PG
Summary: They say the Wanderer was handsome once.
Author's Notes: For the writerverse "Campfire Tales" challenge. Happy Halloween ( Read more... )

original_fiction, writerverse, my_fic

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Comments 2

tsuki_no_bara October 31 2015, 03:18:22 UTC
how seasonally creepy! i really like that it ends on kind of a vague note - what does the wanderer really want? (aside from the occasional stray traveler, apparently.)


halfshellvenus November 1 2015, 06:16:02 UTC
I tried to hint at what he's looking for, not that it will help him.

Glad you liked it. Thanks for reading!


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