Title: Running From Thunder
Fandom: Justified
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Raylan, Boyd (Gen)
Rating: PG
Summary (Pre-Series): Raylan and Boyd started out more similar than not.
Author's Notes: A Yuletide Madness treat for trainwreckdressx-x-x-x-x
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Comments 2
I know it's been forever. Work is taking up way too much of my time. And I have other stuff going on. I miss my flist.
For all of Arlo's scheming, he had little to show for it, and everything about that man must have made Raylan's life hell.
We know Boyd is extremely smart, and his vocabularly says he's probably a reader-- unlike his father or regular cohorts. It's sad to think of all that possibility (intelligence, desire (in S1) to do the right thing) still winding up in the same place as if Boyd had never tried to be different. If he's more successful at it than his father, that's almost worse!
We miss seeing you around, and I hope things are going well apart from being horribly busy. ♥
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