Original Drabble: "Dedication"

Sep 28, 2013 15:52

Title: Dedication
Author: HalfshellVenus
Rating: PG
Summary: The smart choice isn't always the right one.
Author's Notes: For the writerverse and writers_choice prompts of "Hero."


This gun is how I'm not dead, not yet, even if my style runs more to reason than relying on weapons.

Sometimes you can talk people down from the edge of crazy, but others don't hear, don't care, don't even hesitate to take you with them.

That part of the job gets old real fast. "Barnes," my partner says, "what the hell's wrong with you? You got a death wish?"

I figure, "Serve and Protect" includes people trying to hurt themselves. If I can help them find answers instead of just quitting, I'll do it.

You always have to try.

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original_fiction, writerverse, my_fic, drabbles, writers_choice

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