Supernatural Gen Drabble: "Reprieve" (PG)

Sep 17, 2013 00:41

Title: Reprieve
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Dean, Sam (Gen, Drabble)
Rating: PG
Summary (Season 4): This had to be a trick…
Author's Notes: For Day 4 of the 8 Days challenge at samdean_otp, and for the writerverse prompt of "Angst ( Read more... )

spn_s4_fic, my_fic, sn_gen, drabbles

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Comments 10

mdlaw September 18 2013, 00:30:23 UTC much love and pain...... m. :/


halfshellvenus September 24 2013, 06:51:53 UTC
Thank you. Oh, how I miss those earlier seasons!


tsuki_no_bara September 18 2013, 03:17:30 UTC
aw, dean. *snif* (i love that at first he doesn't trust that he's been resurrected back into reality, but rather that he's still in hell.)


halfshellvenus September 24 2013, 06:52:47 UTC
That made perfect sense to me, too. One of the cruelest tricks you could play on someone in Hell would be to plant false hope again and again.

Fortunately, the escape was actually true!


runedgirl September 18 2013, 03:24:44 UTC
That last line? SO true. Lovely drabble :)


halfshellvenus September 24 2013, 06:54:25 UTC
There was a lot of that vibe in S4, too-- that as awful as Dean's experience had been, he tried to hide that from Sam so that Sam would never doubt that Dean felt he'd made the right choice. Sniffle-- those were the days!


heliokleia September 19 2013, 18:11:04 UTC
Thank you very much for the little trip back down memory lane, my dear Mme Venus; sentences of yours like
"For Sammy, I'd do it all again"
are still able to send shivers down my spine.

"Sam's death was still the worst Hell Dean had ever known."
- Yeah, can't let that happen again; right, big bro? ;)


halfshellvenus September 24 2013, 06:56:27 UTC
It says so much about Dean that, even though he was in Hell and without Sam, it was still a more appealing choice than having Sam be dead because Dean had somehow failed to save him.

Only Dean would see it that way, but we can't help love that he does.


maldeluxx October 13 2013, 11:10:08 UTC
Oh, the (delicious but painful) hurt... loved it :) Perfection.


halfshellvenus October 15 2013, 23:22:16 UTC
Thank you! This fandom so easily brings out that combination of delicious and painful. It's built into almost every episode!


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