Supernatural Gen Drabble: "All The Long Journey" (Tamara, PG)

Apr 30, 2011 11:39

Title: All The Long Journey
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Tamara (Gen, Drabble)
Rating: PG
Summary: Tamara was like other people, once…
Author's Notes: An Australian Flood-Auction fic for tsuki_no_bara.
Also for supernatural100 ("Remember To Forget") and writers_choice ("Sorrow").


This is how she knows... )

my_fic, sn_gen, drabbles, flood_auction_fic, writers_choice

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Comments 13

digitalwave April 30 2011, 18:51:11 UTC
Wow, sweetie. Just, wow! :)


halfshellvenus April 30 2011, 19:42:55 UTC
Thank you! I haven't written this character before, but I've sure been wanting to. :)


tsuki_no_bara April 30 2011, 19:24:26 UTC
oh, tamara. :( this packs such a punch. i love it, but ow.


halfshellvenus April 30 2011, 19:45:50 UTC
I know-- this one is very angsty, but it seems perfect for what Tamara has been through. Her aftermath was never going to be easy, and she's been through it twice.

I promise there will be at least one more fluffy one, since you've still got 400 words of various things left!


tifaching April 30 2011, 19:58:03 UTC

Tamara wasn't a character I liked very much, but this makes me feel for her in a very visceral way. A child and a husband lost to pure, unadulterated evil. Everyone gets into hunting somehow and their stories are all so terribly sad.

Excellent drabble!


halfshellvenus April 30 2011, 20:08:58 UTC
Thank you!

Tamara has become more interesting to me through fanfiction. Her setup on the show was interesting enough (though the character was prickly), but when you think of going through most Hunters' impossible loss twice, it hurts all the more. *sigh*


dotfic April 30 2011, 21:20:28 UTC
I really like how you spotlighted the everyday things that take one a different role now that she's a hunter. This was vivid.


halfshellvenus May 1 2011, 06:47:24 UTC
The path to becoming a hunter involves so much loss of innocence. Eventually, even the things that surround you can no longer be seen apart from their other 'purpose'.

From what we've seen, it appears that after the kind of horrific supernatural event hits you as it did the Winchesters (and Tamara), you can either embrace it or deny it. But there's no hope of ever really reconciling it. :(


zanyrainey May 1 2011, 05:53:20 UTC
I still expect (hope) to see her pop up.


halfshellvenus May 1 2011, 06:50:00 UTC
Me too! I love that she's made appearances in fanfiction. She was such an unusual hunter to begin with (partly for being a transplant to this country), and now she's left to weather her battles alone. I'd like to see a glimpse of her life these days, and have her cross paths with the Winchesters again. :)


jagfanlj May 1 2011, 08:38:33 UTC
I don't recall where she was from, but it would be interesting if she went back there -- either to escape Hunting, or to go after the local monsters.


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