Title: The Corollary Of Concomitant Inspiration
Fandom: Iron Man (Movieverse)
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Tony/Rhodey (Slash, Humor)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The robot either had decaying algorithms, or it was making a suggestion.
Author's Notes: A late birthday ficlet for
realpestilence. :)
Also for
writers_choice ("Technology").
What's this? )
Comments 9
Well, Rhodey, what are you waiting for? Get in there, man! ;D
Thank you, hon. It's funny and sassy. \0/
Even though Rhodey is also a scientist himself, those are not his own creations, and any sign of excessive interest on their part has got to be disturbing. Hey, there are people who don't like their pets in the room during those intimate times, let alone things with potentially fewer "boundaries."
Well, I'm so glad you liked it! "Sassy" is exactly what I would have hoped for.
Many happy, belated returns! \o/
Thank you for sharing this one, it was just a real smile maker
I get such a kick out of Tony's interaction with his robots, including (or even especially) when he insults the poor things.
It all worked in Rhodey's favor, though, didn't it? After an unsettling little detour through the question of exactly how much initiative Butterfingers took, and what that might mean in the larger sense. :0
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Anyway, this is a interesting ficlet.
Sorry, I didn't comment sooner.
But creepy is right, when it looks as if they're trying to egg Tony and Rhodey on. Tony is far too blase about his robots, so he hardly even notices. :0
Thanks for making the return trip to comment!
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