Title: Free Wheeling
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam, Dean (Gen, Drabble)
Rating: PG
Summary (5x08 Interlude): Operating this vehicle definitely requires co-operation.
Author's Notes: for
littleone87's drabble meme, where
strgazr04 requested "The tandem bicycle!"
Built for two is not an all-inclusive term... )
Comments 31
I had to see layne67 icon to understand the drabble.
Good one though :)
I can see how the all-dialogue part might make this worse, though!
How was the birthday? I was serious about the drabble offer, and I've got to make that mini_nanowrimo word-limit each day. Thoughts? Prompts?
The birthday will be on Friday ^.^ And I just can't wait! Thank you for your wishes/returns (I don't know what's the correct word to use >.<)
The limit for the mini_nanowrimo is at least 100 words, right?
Ok, let's see: Sam and Dean...And I have no idea how to make a request that would be around 100 words @.@ Little sam and dean? something that's not angsty? ^.^
This is so cute!
It's all fun and games in the part of the clip was saw in the "credits" for the fake show, but the before and after? Ulp!
You know, I did wonder how this went for Jensen and Jared, but what a HILARIOUS take on Sam and Dean! Hee!
I is grinning, yaz. *g*
BTW, was there a bouquet of flowers in the basket along with the completely pointless french bread? Hee!
And sometimes they really do! HalfshellHusband and I floated the tandem thought years ago (still might do it someday), but the one law of tandems is that the heaver/stronger person has to be in front because they do NOT steer well and the more weight you put in the back, the scarier it gets. :0
BTW, was there a bouquet of flowers in the basket along with the completely pointless french bread? Hee!
There really was! That particular fake show had such a bizarre combination of romance, cheap humor, and kitsch that I couldn't quite decide what it was trying to emulate. I'll admit that I half-expected Sam to say, "You got some 'splainin' to do, Dean" when he came through the door. :0
My god, HOW is Jared actually pedalling on the back of that thing? I'm surprised his knees aren't smacking the handlebars. Though I do see that he's sitting waaaaay back on that seat, to make the bike even heaver get more leg room.
And yet... :D
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