
Feb 10, 2010 21:03

pass through the meme from kencana_kencana

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing from me. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. If you absolutely can't write, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to offer drawings or icons or something ( Read more... )

meme, fanfiction

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Comments 29

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halfmoon_smile February 11 2010, 06:52:18 UTC
Siap laksanakan^o^

udah lama ga nulis SasuNaru...fufufufufufu...rasanya kangen.

Ditunggu yah^^


nutzco February 10 2010, 14:27:53 UTC

Yuffie K x Rufus S from FFVII - strengthening their diplomacy bonds whatsoever. Make it supah-crack, make it ultra-angst, make it majorly abstract, make it raw, make it super short I wanna cry when it ends or super long I can roll over on it for miles, it's all up to you I don't care. I'm just dying to see them interact like real people because I didn't get that much in canon, WHY SQUARE, WHY buhuhuhuh.

...is that okay?


Hu-HUH!?! halfmoon_smile February 11 2010, 06:57:06 UTC
waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....Yuffie n Rufus!?

hahahaha, this is quite challenging, hun. They're like two most impossible people to interact in FF VII! orz.

Ah-uh, but its okay and i'll try^^.

a/n: awas lo, ntar g jd bandit jg minta fic...hohohoho*slap*


doo doo doo nutzco February 11 2010, 12:38:14 UTC
Confettiii! Ahahah. Makaci, Momon... Kamu akan menyelamatkan satu hidup anak Indonesia... (ga konek, but still!)


a1y_puff February 11 2010, 02:57:40 UTC
Meee! Dikau udah baca DGM kan? Me wants Kanda/Allen, ga harus pairing, friendship aja juga oke. I want them bickering. Make it silly and dorky XD
Prompt: Lavi says something that turns into an argument between Allen and Kanda. Lenalee ends it with a smack on the head. :p


Would be first(fail)DGM fanfic ever XD halfmoon_smile February 11 2010, 07:03:32 UTC
hahahaha, OUGH! I'm gonna try that even it would be major fail XD. Never try to write one, guess this will be 'kelinci percobaan', wehehehe.

And thanks for the prompt, it help me alot(suppose to)*bricked*


Re: Would be first(fail)DGM fanfic ever XD a1y_puff February 11 2010, 11:26:52 UTC
Nyehehe YAY 8D

Kalo punya ide yg lbh bgs dr prompt gw silakan loh, pokoknya mereka berantem dgn bodohnya XD

Btw would u write it in English or Indonesian? :D


Re: Would be first(fail)DGM fanfic ever XD halfmoon_smile February 11 2010, 15:33:00 UTC
hoooo...thats a problem...wehehehehe.

kaenya sih Indo kali ya, bu=P kalo inggris, musti nyari beta, biarpun cuma drabble *dies*


jusrecht February 11 2010, 08:34:49 UTC
FFVII: Something Turk-ish xDDD

B-boleh kalo saya nggak ikutan meme-nya? ;o; Soalnya udah terima request di sini. Halfie request juga ya :3


Turkey run in the hall halfmoon_smile February 11 2010, 15:51:14 UTC

Wokay, jus^^hopefully i can find something worth enough >:]
WAIIIIII, Silakan ikutan dan sebarkan meme ini. dengan senang hati saya bakal ngerequest <3

ntar saya mampir buat request...hurhurhurhurhur~


You beat me to it! XD sheilaluv February 11 2010, 12:13:00 UTC
Wakakakak~ harusnya saya pos meme ini duluan, tapi apa daya tugas numpuk :P

Alright, in order to restore your mood...

I'D LOVE TO READ RAITO/L! Udah lamaa gak ngebaca fic tentang mereka! XD. Make it crack, plot terserah sista aja. Kepala saya terlalu sakit untuk mikir plot. Ugh. Tapi saya yakin Raito/L sista pasti brilian! <3 <3


Nah... halfmoon_smile February 11 2010, 15:38:38 UTC
Biarpun saya post memenya sekarang, pelunasannya bisa lama banget kaenya, Sis. wkwkwkwkwkwk...*nyumput sebelum digorok ibu2seRT*

Okay, ditunggu y^^. biarpun entah saya musti ngorek ide mana lagi buat mempermainkan aa raito dan L...hurhurhurhur~


Don't You Dare! XD sheilaluv February 12 2010, 03:21:26 UTC
*ngambil golok* Jangan coba-coba lariiiii!!! ME WANTS RAITO AND L!!! XD XD Sista tinggalin aja kakang studio sebentar, duduk di depan kompie, trus nulis sampe pagi.. deal?^^ *digorok*

Oke oke.. saya nunggu kok. Come on, you have the passion, don't let it die! Ganbatte ne~ dan jangan lupa tinggalin promt di LJ saya, karena saya juga buka daftar tunggu.. request apa aja boleh kok :D

See ya, sis!


sobs...;_; halfmoon_smile February 12 2010, 13:39:47 UTC
sorry, sis. guess i should make priority. RaitoL must wait if we talk about the most adorable hushband i ever had, akang studio XD

But uh, i shall start with brainstorming since me being so blockheaded recently>,<

pray for me to do best at both, onegai ne?*mello's puppy eyes*

And I'M SO NOT MISSING THE CHANCE! Fly there right-o-now!


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