
Jun 02, 2008 01:42

You may have noticed, I've decided to be selfish regarding LJ. I'm much more interested in reading it to see what y'all are up to than I am in stressing over my own contributions posting to it, even though that means I'm not reciprocating ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

lareinenoire June 2 2008, 10:46:12 UTC
First of all, congrats! That sounds like a very good plan, and that you'll have a great time while you're out there. I am a bit sad you won't be around-ish during the summer, as I actually sort of will be (since we're moving to Washington D.C., which is marginally closer to NYC), but it sounds like you are very much in charge of what's going on, so good for you!

And if you get any interesting extra jobs, you'll have to let us all know so we can watch the film/TV episode and look for you. ;)


halflingmerry June 4 2008, 06:12:48 UTC
Ack! That makes another friend I desperately need to see who'll be entering the general area and I'm leaving it! I fail at timing. How long will you be in DC? Late August perhaps?

Here's hoping I'll be in some charge of what I'm doing. :-) Thank you! Perceptive and supportive as usual!

Haha, yes, that will be another reason to revive LJ: "Everybody!! Everybody!! Quick! Turn your TVs on to America's Next Top Model: freeze frame fifteen point three seconds from the end of the second commercial break: I'm getting stomped on by someone in boogie shoes!!"


(The comment has been removed)

halflingmerry June 3 2008, 16:14:39 UTC
That's nothing. I recently labeled a facebook photo with a description that started and ended with two halves of the same sentence, a longer sentence inserted into it with long dashes, and within that a parenthetical comment. ...Oh, and actually, there was also an independent thought in the original/main sentence subdivided by commas. (That last is the one I once knew the grammatical term for.)


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