everything is deeply interrelated or there are
ideas whose time has come or, perhaps, I see
patterns where there aren't any. I say this because whenever I read two or three interesting things in a row, no matter how diverse, I see ways in which they are saying the same thing. Perhaps I have a gift for synthesis.
But I am betting on pareidolia. )
Comments 8
Re: 'Gaussianism'. It is a model that works in many contexts (even your 'average salary' example could be explained in terms of a bi-modal gaussian distribution). But as you point out, the pattern may be even better explained as something more complex (and elegant) - i.e., fractal patterning. This is actually really useful to me, as the same pattern seems to occur in settlement patterns, household size and social hierarchies; things that I have been trying to model statistically for some time now.
Ever consider writing a book, Brad?
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