[Ugh, damnit, why does he still have to be stuck at Kratos's house instead of back in his own apartment?
Stuck. No way. So it'll hurt, big deal. With a wince and a soft hiss, Lloyd slides out of his bed, then decides not to worry about shoes. Bending down to get them and put them on would be pushing his still-mending ribs too far. Besides, if Kratos is in the house, he'll need to be extra quiet sneaking out.
But first...
He picks up his Dreamberry.]
Genis? You... you okay?
[That had been a very disturbing dream, and he'd only had to watch from the other side.]
[Lloyd gives Genis a piecing look.] Are you saying there is something for me to be a hero about?
Or maybe he's asleep and I just don't want to wake him up. Do you even know what he's like when he's grumpy? [He's coming perilously close to lying here. Ffff, Genis, don't make him turn the Dreamberry off.] Come on, Genis, give me a break!
I don't think he sleeps as much as we do, but I've caught him asleep a few times. Once, the first time he was here, he even dreamed. I mean, the kind of dream that shows up on your Dreamberry. [A small pause.] Did you know he's four thousand years old?
He dreamed about the Kharlan War. That's how I found out how old he was. [Lloyd can't help but grin a bit. It's not often he catches Genis off guard like that. It's also not often that he knows more about something than his genius best friend.] Apparently, angels had techniques back then that made it so they could stop aging or something. That's why Kratos still looks like he's only twenty-eight.
Hey, you've seen him eat before. He even got sick on the Professor's cooking, remember? So he can still taste, too!
[Or maybe Raine's cooking is just that bad. Hmm... This is a viable idea. :|a ]
Well, if he's 4,000 years old it figures he'd be in the Kharlan War. [ Not that Genis figured that would happen. Even though he knew that Kratos was an angel, he didn't know that they could be that old without showing any signs of slowing down. It was amazing. ] So that means...Colette will stop aging too? Just like Kratos?
But that's...not really eating. [ Everyone gets sick off of Raine's cooking, Lloyd. Try again. ]
[...he hadn't thought about that.] I'm... not sure. Kratos made it sound like it was a technique or something that they used back then.
[He laughs.] I know that, you dork. But he's eaten other times, too, so I'm pretty sure he eats.
[Oh, right, he's trying to get out of the house. Hall seems to be clear. He just has to make it through the living room. At least he had a chance to catch is breath.]
Hmm. [ He'll just sit there and ponder this like the person he is. ] Well, if it requires a technique then Colette probably won't! [ He'd rather lighten the mood then tell him think that Colette was going to live forever. ]
I guess you're right. [ He pauses for a brief moment. Wrinkling his nose. ] Lloyd? Don't do anything that will get you hurt even more. You wouldn't want to stay in bed even longer, would you?
Yeah... I guess not. But maybe that's a good thing? I dunno, do you think she'd want a technique like that?
You worry too much, Genis. I'll be just fine. [That is the sound of a door opening and... there's other background noise. Very soft and faint, Genis probably won't be able to tell what it is, but the fact of the matter is that there wasn't background noise before. Lloyd's made it outside. He makes it as far as the road before he has to stop and lean against a tree. Just... just for a moment.]
Stuck. No way. So it'll hurt, big deal. With a wince and a soft hiss, Lloyd slides out of his bed, then decides not to worry about shoes. Bending down to get them and put them on would be pushing his still-mending ribs too far. Besides, if Kratos is in the house, he'll need to be extra quiet sneaking out.
But first...
He picks up his Dreamberry.]
Genis? You... you okay?
[That had been a very disturbing dream, and he'd only had to watch from the other side.]
Or maybe he's asleep and I just don't want to wake him up. Do you even know what he's like when he's grumpy? [He's coming perilously close to lying here. Ffff, Genis, don't make him turn the Dreamberry off.] Come on, Genis, give me a break!
I wasn't...sure he slept. [ Do angels sleep??? He frowns for a moment before glaring down at his 'berry.
Hey, you've seen him eat before. He even got sick on the Professor's cooking, remember? So he can still taste, too!
[Or maybe Raine's cooking is just that bad. Hmm... This is a viable idea. :|a ]
But that's...not really eating. [ Everyone gets sick off of Raine's cooking, Lloyd. Try again. ]
[He laughs.] I know that, you dork. But he's eaten other times, too, so I'm pretty sure he eats.
[Oh, right, he's trying to get out of the house. Hall seems to be clear. He just has to make it through the living room. At least he had a chance to catch is breath.]
I guess you're right. [ He pauses for a brief moment. Wrinkling his nose. ] Lloyd? Don't do anything that will get you hurt even more. You wouldn't want to stay in bed even longer, would you?
You worry too much, Genis. I'll be just fine. [That is the sound of a door opening and... there's other background noise. Very soft and faint, Genis probably won't be able to tell what it is, but the fact of the matter is that there wasn't background noise before. Lloyd's made it outside. He makes it as far as the road before he has to stop and lean against a tree. Just... just for a moment.]
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