Title: The Bachelor: Paradise Island, Part 4
Pairings: Jack/various women, Jack/Sawyer
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When troubling allegations surface, Jack has to decide whether to send one woman home early
Note: Thanks again to
zelda_zee for the beta! There's a little less crack in this chapter, FWIW.
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3 (
Jack was going to have to make a list of all the ways he was realizing just what a chump he was. )
Comments 35
I especially love this: Sawyer’s head tipped back, his lips brushing Jack’s ear. ”You’re one of the good ones, Jack. Don’t you let them change that.” He sounded almost angry and Jack shivered. It kinda gives you the feeling that Sawyer may have a vague idea what's going on behind the scenes and he's worried for Jack, worried that he's going to change into a different person because of it. I love what that says about Sawyer's feelings for Jack, and that Jack is beginning to discover his feelings for Sawyer (and his back dimples ;D).
I love this, and I can't wait to see where you take it next. ♥
Very pelased you're still enjoying the ride!
Sawyer’s head tipped back, his lips brushing Jack’s ear. ”You’re one of the good ones, Jack. Don’t you let them change that.” He sounded almost angry and Jack shivered. It was just the puff of Sawyer’s exhalation raising the hairs on the back of his neck, he told himself, not the heat of this body pressing against him, or the strange intensity in Sawyer’s voice.
Awww...I love that. But how will it continue? And what about Kate?
I kinda regret now that I've never watched the show properly, I want to see where you get your inspiration from, lol!
Hee, I'm very amused that this fic is piquing your interest in real Bachelor! It's a guilty pleasure, definitely, because you're embarrassed for everyone participating but sometimes there are these genuine moments -- but they're surrounded by tons of cheese and awkwardness. This time, I think the bachelor has really fallen in love with one girl and it's very genuine but we shall see. Watching other people getting their heart broken on TV is always going to be uncomfortable! But there *is* tons of cattiness and scheming and absurd declarations of love after a very short time. So much material to work with!
And I wouldn't say no to a booty call with those two either, but that's not a surprise, is it?
Loving it :D
What can I say? I love it :D
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