Title: More Than This Pairing: Jack/James Rating: NC-17 Summary: Jack wants more from James Note: Follow up to Visiting Hours. Written for the fanfic100 prompt "Not enough." ( Read more... )
MMMM! Very nice. I'm such a sap, the cuddlage at the end was my favorite part. I loved how persistant little Jack was even when Sawyer James was trying to push him away. Great job!
Oh, thank God they're back together again! My heart hurt for them every minute they were apart.
This was wonderful and perfect. I wondered if they were ever going to take it to *that* level, or if everybody else would think that was too intense for teenage boys. Personally, I wanted to see it go that far. Two things that seem inevitable: one or the other has to say "I love you," and Jack's damn dad has to catch them and fuck everything up. I dont' dare venture into writing this 'verse because I couldn't do it justice, but there definitely needs to be more!
Thanks for writing two fics in one day. Coming back to this, after two days of self-imposed exile from Lost fandom, rekindles my addiction in the loveliest of ways. *hugs*
I know - it kills me when they apart! I'm glad you're OK that I went there, LOL. I had to check with the mistress of J/J verse first, of course and she gave me the thumbs up so away I went.
I don't know what's going to happen next but the stakes just keep getting higher, don't they?
Thanks for reading (and loving) both fics. Welcome back from your long exile, LOL! Sometimes it's good to take a break.
“Best fuckin’ sex of my life. I thought my heart was gonna stop.”
Yes, James. Yes, it was, and yes, it did. ;)
*sighs longingly* I still can't tell you how much I utterly adore this installment. Actually, the two together (this and "Visiting Hours"), because they're really all one, aren't they?
I've always been wary of having them go to this next level; I think I told you at the beginning that I didn't see them going this far, but that before it turned into this thing that ate our brains and made us jack up the angst, LOL. Now I realize that this is the way it should be, because it's only natural with these two that they become such a deep part of each other without expressing themselves verbally, because to me, that's the final step. But by verbally acknowledging their feelngs, by putting it out in the open, that makes them ten times more vulnerable to each other, more so than by giving themselves to each other physically.
I'll stop babbling now. Ummm, did I mention this was perfection?
These last two fics are definitly a set. But hella long for one installment. ;-D I'm SOOO glad you approved and liked where I was going with this. And of course, wouldn't be possible without the GUH!angst of "Milieu."
I agree, it is a BIG step for them to take but for either of them to say "I love you" would be so much scarier. These are two guys who have learned to shut down and shut people out and augh - they don't even know what's in store for them yet!
Ummm, did I mention this was perfection?
*swooons with teh foxx love!*
THANK YOU! And yes, our brains have long since been eaten by our angsty, angsty boys.
Love this, every single syllable, love that Jack and James have been reunited, love you. This is just...you made my hurricane day beyond bearable. I'll be thinking of this all day tomorrow, I just know it.
They had sex! I feel like such an absolute foolish fangirl wanting to scream "They did it!" from the rooftops, but I am just exctatic. Uhh...the image you've painted here will last a lifetime, I swear. Yay! for the best backstory ever created.
Comments 41
Thanks for reading!
This was wonderful and perfect. I wondered if they were ever going to take it to *that* level, or if everybody else would think that was too intense for teenage boys. Personally, I wanted to see it go that far. Two things that seem inevitable: one or the other has to say "I love you," and Jack's damn dad has to catch them and fuck everything up. I dont' dare venture into writing this 'verse because I couldn't do it justice, but there definitely needs to be more!
Thanks for writing two fics in one day. Coming back to this, after two days of self-imposed exile from Lost fandom, rekindles my addiction in the loveliest of ways. *hugs*
I don't know what's going to happen next but the stakes just keep getting higher, don't they?
Thanks for reading (and loving) both fics. Welcome back from your long exile, LOL! Sometimes it's good to take a break.
Yes, James. Yes, it was, and yes, it did. ;)
*sighs longingly* I still can't tell you how much I utterly adore this installment. Actually, the two together (this and "Visiting Hours"), because they're really all one, aren't they?
I've always been wary of having them go to this next level; I think I told you at the beginning that I didn't see them going this far, but that before it turned into this thing that ate our brains and made us jack up the angst, LOL. Now I realize that this is the way it should be, because it's only natural with these two that they become such a deep part of each other without expressing themselves verbally, because to me, that's the final step. But by verbally acknowledging their feelngs, by putting it out in the open, that makes them ten times more vulnerable to each other, more so than by giving themselves to each other physically.
I'll stop babbling now. Ummm, did I mention this was perfection?
These last two fics are definitly a set. But hella long for one installment. ;-D I'm SOOO glad you approved and liked where I was going with this. And of course, wouldn't be possible without the GUH!angst of "Milieu."
I agree, it is a BIG step for them to take but for either of them to say "I love you" would be so much scarier. These are two guys who have learned to shut down and shut people out and augh - they don't even know what's in store for them yet!
Ummm, did I mention this was perfection?
*swooons with teh foxx love!*
THANK YOU! And yes, our brains have long since been eaten by our angsty, angsty boys.
“So you want to stop?” James is getting impatient. What the fuck is Jack here for then?
“No. I want...” Jack licks his lips. “I want you to fuck me,” he says in a breathless rush. He’s watchful, waiting, nervous.
D.E.A.D. *dead*
V. v. hot. Take a bow.
*bows deeply*
Love this, every single syllable, love that Jack and James have been reunited, love you. This is just...you made my hurricane day beyond bearable. I'll be thinking of this all day tomorrow, I just know it.
They had sex! I feel like such an absolute foolish fangirl wanting to scream "They did it!" from the rooftops, but I am just exctatic. Uhh...the image you've painted here will last a lifetime, I swear. Yay! for the best backstory ever created.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. ;-D THANK YOU for this lovely fb.
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