Announcing the Half a Moon Impromptuthon

Jan 21, 2010 19:32

What is it?
It's a prompt challenge with an extremely close deadline and extremely short minimum requirements. People post prompts for artwork, comics, icons, fanmixes, fiction, meta, picspams, vids, or anything else they desire in the comments of this post, and interested people can provide them in the comm starting February 1.

So what are these extremely short requirements?
15 seconds for vids. 100 words for anything written. 1 panel for comics. I have no idea how to quantify artwork, but I hope you get the idea.

Can I do something longer?

Can I request something longer?
Yes, but with the understanding that you may get short responses.

What subjects can I request?
Basically, anything where the primary focus is any female character in any fandom. The comm intro post has more details.

When can I post prompts?
You can post prompts between right now and midnight in your time zone on February 13.

When can I post prompt responses?
Any time between February 1 and February 14.

Where do I post my response to a prompt?
Post or view prompt responses in the following places:

Where do I post prompts?
Please use this form. (If you posted a prompt earlier, don't worry; I am still catching up on entering them.)

Where do I find prompts?
You can see the prompts here. (Note: I am still entering prompts from the comments.)

What are the requirements for prompts?
At minimum, fandom, character, medium, and a prompt idea or phrase, which can be as vague or as detailed as you want.

  • Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Cameron, fanfiction, Why does she say yes?
  • The Middleman, Wendy/Lacey ff, vid, "Song title here (if I had one I would make the vid)"
  • The Muppet Show, Miss Piggy/Kermit m/f, icon, Miss Piggy hugging Kermit
  • A Little Princess, Becky, fic, What sort of stories does Becky learn to tell?
  • Omkara, Indu and Dolly, friendship or f/f, fic, cooking


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