The Unpopular Women Love Post

Feb 09, 2016 23:48

This post is for celebrating and loving your favorite under-appreciated women ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

Mellie Grant !!!!, Scandal raktajinos February 9 2016, 23:16:50 UTC

... )


RE: Mellie Grant !!!!, Scandal sapphire2309 February 10 2016, 10:32:14 UTC
OMG Mellie. I would so not be standing if I'd suffered even half of what she has, let alone be carrying it with such grace.

My favourite Mellie moment in the history of ever has to be when she tells Elizabeth North that the fact that both of them were screwing Andrew only meant that they were at risk for the same STDs. The line and the way Bellamy Grant delivered it, omg. Also - (to fitz) You made one of your masturbating phone calls to [olivia] and she came running over. (the way she said 'running', OMG) Mellie gives the BEST burns ever.

Mellie+Fitz+that colourless hooch is simultaneously the saddest OT3 of the show and the one that produces the most hilarious moments. Her drinking and musing about how many presidents have had sex on the dining room table! Her giving Olivia advice while hunting for hooch in her closet! Her gifting Olivia whatever hooch is left hidden in her closet! <3 ( ... )


Re: Mellie Grant !!!!, Scandal _profiterole_ February 10 2016, 16:46:33 UTC
I love her! And I love when she teams up with Olivia. There are some periods of the show where it almost feels like polyamory (the V kind, not the triad kind) and I enjoy that a lot.


meatball42 February 10 2016, 00:47:44 UTC
Bela Talbot from Supernatural!


daria234 February 10 2016, 00:56:28 UTC
I loved Bela! I wish she would have been on the show more. That would have been such fun.


(The comment has been removed)

jagfanlj February 10 2016, 08:15:54 UTC
I'd read that fic!


Catherine Weaver, Terminator:SCC daria234 February 10 2016, 00:49:14 UTC
It's not so much that she's hated as that she's SO fascinating and she doesn't get nearly enough love (or fic!).


Debra Morgan, Dexter daria234 February 10 2016, 00:53:39 UTC
She doesn't swear too much.

Also, she's a really smart detective and really loving and really resilient.


Re: Debra Morgan, Dexter retsuko February 10 2016, 01:13:04 UTC
IMHO she doesn't swear enough to deal with all the crazy shit that gets thrown her way! :p

Seriously, though, she is made of determined awesome and win. She is so brave.


Re: Debra Morgan, Dexter daria234 February 10 2016, 06:31:22 UTC

lol on the swearing - so true.


Dolores Umbridge: Harry Potter alisanne February 10 2016, 02:46:31 UTC
Petite, pink, cat-loving terror, she is hated by almost everyone, except possibly Mr Filch. Some might even call her evil.
But you can't deny she's powerful. :)


Re: Dolores Umbridge: Harry Potter femme_slash_fan February 10 2016, 17:28:06 UTC
I loved to hate her tbh. She was SO MEAN but so powerful and kinda.... hilarious in the movies.


Re: Dolores Umbridge: Harry Potter profshallowness February 12 2016, 21:39:46 UTC
I am fascinated by her, and love fanworks that try to get under her skin.


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