
Nov 19, 2009 18:29

So, here is my life at this moment. Boring, but what can i do? Haha ( Read more... )

alex cabot, injury, assholes are everywhere, thanksgiving, venice the series, football, crystal chappell is a goddess y'all, svu

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Comments 5

kehleyr November 20 2009, 00:16:10 UTC
Have fun in Maryland :-D.


snuffnyc November 20 2009, 01:44:04 UTC
dood. i went to UMD for undergrad. i'm like 30 minutes from there. if your team needs a fan, holler. i'm working some this weekend, and even though College park isn't technically in DC, i'm sure i can turn off my GPS and they'd never be the wiser.


also, MOCKED ON THE INTERWEBS!!!!! bwhahahaha. i dunno if you got to see the earlier thread before it got closed down, where they posted all my twitpics. it was sheer lunacy. WE CANT HELP the awesomeness, baby. We just can't.

ok, longest comment ever ends.... now.


half_life33 November 20 2009, 01:46:36 UTC
LOL so win. i'll prob text ya or something... we're there tomorrow sat & sun :D

also, we really can't!!! were so fucking cool.......


theroyal_e November 22 2009, 06:16:18 UTC
hope your game went well today. was wondering why your name was changed and then sort of changed back. i think i know what board you're talking about. the amount of drama around the bpd peeps is starting to bug me though. slowing backing the fuck out. everyone knows everyone's business, there's no privacy at all, and just...ick. not what i signed on for. :/


theroyal_e November 22 2009, 06:17:03 UTC
p.s. while i'm partial to mothership L&O lately, alex's comment about actual paw prints a couple weeks ago was fucking awesome. i laughed so fucking hard. XD


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