A place called SPL Integrated Solutions doesn't sound like a roiling hotbed of creative energy, does it? And yet, for the past 2 years it's been the home of Theatre Unbound's 24 Hour Play Project. What is the 24 Hour Play Project? you ask. It's a fundraiser for Theatre Unbound, a local company whose mission statement reads, "Theatre Unbound
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Comments 18
Some friends and I intended to attend the Works In Progress show at the Red Eye, but we arrived a few mere minutes late and found ourselves locked out. Now, I know there's no late seating at the Red Eye (the lobby door opening ONTO the stage and all), but since when does an 8:00 performance atcuallt START at 8:00? 8:07 I could see. But like 8:02 and 30 seconds? Fooey on them. So we missed the W.I.P. (which I'm rather upset over, since we couldn't catch the Sunday performance either), AND the T.U. show (which like you said we wouldn't have afforded anyway, but I can still say we missed it). Where's all this karma that do-good-ing (being a do-gooder) is supposed to build? Harumph.
Someday we will all be rich & punctual, right? Right?
Oooh! Look! Flying pig!
That sounds like so much fun!
It really was. Way too much caffeine & not enough sleep, but tons of fun.
Oh, no, I'm over-using exclamation marks again!
That's OK. cloudscudding & I are going to grammar war against this ill-grammared asshat who's been bugging her, & I'm in charge of exclamation marks. You can join my gang.
term papers are different
Not so different. I was a term paper binge writer, too. Of course, I was often kind of drunk when I did it, so maybe that's not a fair comparison.
try to send me a copy.
Consider it sent!
I'm glad that you're not taking out the grammar-wrath on me, given that I over-use commas, too.
The original post.
A later update on the situation. Warning: includes shoddy metaphors.
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