t_h_e_hamster is open for business.
Fancy yourself as a bit of a reviewer of movies, tv shows, books or musical acts? Just want to see what the hamster thinks? Join here:
t_h_e_hamsterI know I was going to start this years ago, but it never quite happened! It's not anything major and I really have no time for it, but I'm going to give a go at doing short reviews
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Comments 20
Hah, that said, I'm opinionated enough to review anything, LOL!
Goodie! I like a bit of reviewing myself, so here's hoping a few more people will join in and we can all get a few recommendations for future viewing/reading/listening! Thanks!
(Sawyer/damn-I-can't-remember-the-actor's-name-and-I'm-too-lazy-to-google-it is one of the few men I find kind of hot. Your icon is made of win...)
Haldoor's A? Movie Series Television E? Reviews? something like that, but I can't for the life of me remember it just now. A few of us discussed this idea a couple of years back and were tossing around comm names and this one stuck. I even grabbed the name (with underscores in between as you see, due to the_hamster and thehamster already being taken) before someone else got it, but I never got around to doing much other than getting icons made back then. I'm so lazy and easily distracted!
Feel free to play around with the acronym! I may have to check back to those old entries from two years ago to find the correct answer... apparently I never even left the name in the comm profile (talk about dumb).
Sadly I'm crap at reviewing things. The best you're likely to get from me is "it was good" or "I hated this". Maybe I should see this as an opportunity to improve these badly lacking skills :)
And I too am intrigued with the name 'The Hamster' - do tell!
I hope you'll join in at some point, anyway! It should be fun if everyone does!
Umm, eekily embarrassing, as I explained to jaydblu *points to me reply to her above*, I can't remember the whole answer to the name thing! I'll check back at some point and put it in the comm profile!
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