H50 fic: One Step at a Time - Chapter 3 of 15

Jul 07, 2015 23:24

Title: One Step at a Time: Darkness (3/15)
Pairing/Characters: Steve/Danny
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Word Count: 200 each chapter; 3000 altogether
Rating: PG-13 this chapter
Warnings/Spoilers: None for the show

Disclaimer: I do not own H50, Steve, Danny, or any dreams other than my own

Beta: Just lil ol' me

Summary: A series of double-drabbles wherein Danny has to go through some pain before finding what he's looking for

Author's notes: The first double-drabble was written as a reward for galadriel34 for her contribution to a 1_million_words weekend challenge some time ago. The rest of the story developed over the next year or so, and is now finally completed, so I am posting it as I find time.

Chapter One is at AO3 here: An Illusion Of Control and at LJ here: Chapter One. Links to following chapters are at the end of each one as they are posted.

"Get down, Danny! Danny!"

Steve's weight hit Danny, covering most of his body as they landed, and then there was an explosion, the ear-splitting sound of shattering glass filling his ears.

Danny closed his eyes, concentrating on drawing much-needed air into his lungs after Steve had winded him by crushing his body to the ground with the merest of warnings.

"Danny? Danny!" Steve's panicked voice came through loud and clear once Danny could hear again. He'd moved off Danny now, but hadn't gone far, his hands searching Danny for signs of life.

Danny coughed and spluttered, rolling to one side, unable to answer as he continued to gulp at air but only managed to inhale whatever was filling the space around them.

"Oh, Jesus, Danny, can you stand? We gotta get out of here… the place is burning." Strong arms wrapped around Danny's chest, half-lifting, half-dragging him through the smoke and debris and into the street.

"Steve! Thank God! Danny… is he okay?" Kono's worried voice broke through the confusion as Danny attempted to retch up everything he'd swallowed in the last few minutes. "The EMTs are on their way."

That was the last Danny heard as darkness closed in.


4. Breathing

h50 fic, drabbles, one step at a time, fps, h50: steve/danny

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