Smoke and mirrors

Apr 22, 2013 20:46

As much as one can be apathetic about thing there are situations that no matter how hard you try they cut you to the bone. Like a lash of a whip or the blade of the sharpest knife they cut deep and no matter how hard you try keep bleeding. Bind these wounds only prolongs the inevitable and then you start hurting. Then you start crying. Them you ( Read more... )

via ljapp

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Comments 3

x_creepy_doll_x April 23 2013, 15:00:39 UTC
:( I'm sorry hon.


halafax April 24 2013, 23:39:20 UTC
thanks dear

good luck to phil


lindiohead May 15 2013, 06:03:36 UTC
Sounds like me right now. <3


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