Oh god, I think I just sprained something laughing at this.
"Mary Sue Gets a Dragon" and "Conan the Libertarian" get my votes for the best, but only because "Remember the First Five Books? That" Could be applied to pretty much every series Eddings wrote after the Belgeriad.
Also "Child Porn is Acceptable in Some Cultures" is depressingly accurate. I can't believe how many of his books I read before I realized how creepy they were.
I think "Dragonlance Chronicles: A Tale of Five Million Hit Points" and "My Awesome D&D Campaign, in Prose Form" should be set as the default desktop wallpaper of some authors. As a lesson to them.
I'm actually pretty sure that you could copy/paste "my awesome D&D Campaign, in Prose Form" for like a dozen authors. It seems to be the most popular jumping off point for new Fantasy.
By the way, have you read Julian May's Pleistocene Saga/Intervention/Galactic Milieu books? If not you need to read them, like, yesterday. They're right up your alley.
Sometimes I wonder whether the original Pern is MarySue'd or whether it's just *been* MarySue'd so many times that it seems that way.
When you've read the attempt to send-up Pern in _The Colour of Magic_ or was it _The Light Fantastic_ by Pratchett you a) appreciate how much better Pratchett has gotten now he is sending-up real life instead and b) realize how much worse the Pern books could be.
Comments 5
"Mary Sue Gets a Dragon" and "Conan the Libertarian" get my votes for the best, but only because "Remember the First Five Books? That" Could be applied to pretty much every series Eddings wrote after the Belgeriad.
Also "Child Porn is Acceptable in Some Cultures" is depressingly accurate. I can't believe how many of his books I read before I realized how creepy they were.
By the way, have you read Julian May's Pleistocene Saga/Intervention/Galactic Milieu books? If not you need to read them, like, yesterday. They're right up your alley.
When you've read the attempt to send-up Pern in _The Colour of Magic_ or was it _The Light Fantastic_ by Pratchett you a) appreciate how much better Pratchett has gotten now he is sending-up real life instead and b) realize how much worse the Pern books could be.
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