Official Survivor Congratulations! You scored 74%!
Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least you're alive.
Tjis weekend has not been that great. im still kinda in trouble so im scared to really ask to do anythign but i went to the lacross and slept a lot thank god because i needed it and i went shopping and got 2 new pairs of shoes so im happy. well yeah thats about all ill try and update more often its kinda annoying me though.
Well our competition was good we won so we got jackets but yeah so last night i got cought in a lie by my mom so now im in really big trouble so i pry wont be on this thing again for awhile i dunno i havnt gotten my punishment yet but yeah i just wanted to say to everyone to not be stupid liek me because parties really arent worth it.
so last night was fun. i had cheer aftre school which wasnt that cool but it was ok then i had to go to the mall to do a psych experiment with jessica and sierra and tanner. it was really funny we had to liek dump our purse in fromt of ppl and we were just like watching jessica dropping her stuff in front of ppl. it pry doesnt sound like it was
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Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 69926 times on bzoink! [x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]What's your name? ::nicoleBirthplace ::caliAge ::16 (17 in 3 days)Age you act ::uumm 17 i guess bc im that in 3 daysCurrent location ::SDEye color ::greenHair color ::blondeRight, lefty or ambidextrous? ::rightyZodiac sign? ::pices
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Well we got back from florida last night and iimmm sssoooooooo tired! i dont know why im not already in bed!! hehe anyways we got 15th place in Florida. i know that it doesnt sound good but it really is. all the teams that we were copeting against preactice every day before and after school and we only practice twice a week for two hours so its
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i just finished packing for florida tomorrow!!!!!! Oh My Gosh im so nervous!!!! its gonna be so much fun though i cant wait!! but OMG we have to be at Granite at 4:30 tomorrow morning and since i live in alpine (but the boon dogs of alpine) i have to leave at like b4 4 because like i have to pick up shannel tambien!! I hope we sit next to each
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OMG!! WE won districts!! Im so excited! this is the most excited that i have ever been to win a competition!! JV won to, and if freshman would have competed then they would have won to. (all the freshman teams only exibitioned because none of the other freshman teams would go if they actually had to compete against our team.) Not only did we win
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