On with the show...
Disclaimer: Please don't expect me to say anything of actual import here. These are all very general, loose descriptions of what left an impression with me, with maybe a reason why, if I'm cognizant of that to begin with. I'm not going to talk about every vid, but that shouldn't indicate anything much at all other than what's going on in my head. If I don't talk about a vid show, then I probably didn't attend. The master list can be found
here. The Vid Shows:
Club Vivid:
"Heart of Funkness" by
absolut3destiny (Apocalypose Now) - After about a minute into the vid, I turned to
sockkpuppett and said "Oh My God, this is genius!". I was then told it was AbsoluteDestiny, and said, "Of course it is." Heh.
"Sci-Fi Friday in a Blender" by Luminosity (er, Sci Fi Friday! Multi) - I actually missed this vid at Club Vivid (I haven't a clue where I was) and watched it during the Challenge show at the end of the weekend, but it should go here. This is going to be one of those vids that I'm going to need to watch a lot. And I love mashup songs.
"Take Me Out" by
destina and
barkley (Wiseguy) - I've already gushed about this vid, and will likely still gush about it. I love it like candy. Like cookies and dark chocolate. It makes me happy.
"Filthy Gorgeous" by Kabeka (Angel) - I am not a very big (or even a very small) fan of Buffy or Angel, despite the sheer magnitude and quantity of vids and fans, and activity out there, although I have to say, for some reason, I can watch Angel while I seem to have an allergic reaction to Buffy. Anyhoo, I loved this vid. If I cared to, I would so be an Angel/Spike fan because I really dig that dynamic that they have.
Color Explosion:
This was my favorite Vid Show of the weekend. Really, a great line up of vids, everyone one of which I loved or was moved by. Some made me want to watch the shows, others made me fall back in love with the source. Just a really well balanced, well thought out Vid Show.
"Boom Boom Ba" by Charmax (Xena) - Um, where has this vid been all my life? And why did I not know about it before hand? Gorgeous, and totally sexy and hot, and that's all I really can say about it.
"Here" by Kristin (Equilibrium) - Each time I see a vid to this movie I'm totally astonished at how awesome it looks and wonder why I haven't seen it yet. This one was no exception! Very cool.
"Without You I'm Nothing" by
sisabet (SV) - I loved this vid when I first saw it years ago and I love it now. It's one of the few SV vids that made me wish I'd still was watching the show. :)
"The First and Last Waltz" by
feochadn - OOoooh, pretty. This was, as we were told later, an anime vid to Gankutsuou, which was a retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo. Very cool, neat vid. Lots of great movement and color.
"The Mountain" by
melina123 and
astolat (LotR)- Still a treat to watch, even after many repeat viewings.
"Ecstatic Drum Trip" by Luminosity (Farscape) - Farscape is right up there with Buffy for me, but I really appreciate this vid for the editing and how it is just relentless until it spills you out at the other end.
"The Boy Was a Puppet" by Fabella (Harry Potter) - Before this years VVC I hadn't seen a Harry Potter vid that worked for me. After this years VVC, there were two Harry Potter vids that I thought were absolutely amazing. This was one of them.
Nearly New:
I know Nearly New rather intimately, since I VJ'd the darn thing, but there were a few vids that really stood out for me.
"Club Foot" by Charmax (Life on Mars) - Charmax is rapidly becoming a favorite vidder of mine. I don't know much about LoM, but I really liked this vid.
"The Church of What's Happening Now" by
f1renze - I saw this movie when it came out. Never would have I thought it would ever be vidded! As heartbreaking and disturbing as the film.
"Black Soul Choir" by
gwyn_r (Firefly) - I really like this vid a lot, I love the song. Don't watch Firefly, but this is one of the only vids that works really well for me, despite that.
"Jesus Walks" by
mimesere (Angel) - It's the Gunn Show! You know, if there's anything that will get me to watch Angel, it's Gunn. This vid makes me happy happy, which is kinda funny since it's actually a very dark vid.
"SOS" by
killabeez (Supernatural) - Aww, they really are very cute, these two boys. The song choice here really helped me get into the vid.
"More Human Than Human" by Luminosity (BSG) - EEEE! Scary Cylons. This song is played often on my local radio station, and now each time it plays I'm going to go to a scary BSG place. They ARE more human than human!!
"From Your Favourite Sky" by Charmax (Hex) - Um, don't know a darn thing about Hex, but it looks fascinating. Great vid.
"The Battle of Evermore" by
keerawa (Highlander) - The coolest thing about this vid were the really neat parallels being drawn between Methos and Duncan. Gave me shivers. And I thought it was a really great song choice for the fandom. Yay Highlander!!! Sorry. Couldn't resist.
"Monster Hospital" by PR Zed (Platoon) - How funny is it that in one VVC we had a vid for Apocalypse Now with Martin Sheen and also a vid for Platoon with Charlie Sheen? Two different vids to two different movies about the same war with father and son. Bwah! I confess I've never seen either film all the way through. They freak me out. But I liked both of these vids!
Symbol and Metaphor:
Um, I only sat through the first vid in this show, and then realized I really couldn't be in the Vid Show room any longer, and hopped into the Panel room.
"Ability to Swing" by Luminosity (Highlander) - I think it's impossible for me to not watch this vid, if it's showing anywhere near me. Sexy Swinging Duncan, gonna chop off your head. Yuuuum. Yay Highlander!!!! Oh, sorry. I did it again.
God, the Devil, and Bob:
Again, I watched only about half of this Vid Show, before I ducked out again.
"Wing of Steel" by Lithium Doll (Constantine) - I love this movie. I know many didn't, but I love it like mad. I was so happy to see that there was a vid for it! And a really good one, too!
"Caught in a Jar" by zeneyepirate (Rescue Me) - Rescue Me looks like one of those shows that I would probably really like, if I let myself watch it. I loved what Zen did with this vid, and how she used the Jesus and ghosts to great effect. I *really* love Denis Leary, like so so much, and I'm *always* happy to see him in anything, really.
Novelty Songs and TV Themes...On a Plane!
I wasn't going to go to this vid show, but somehow ended up there anyway and then I was really very glad I'd gone. There were a lot of vids shown! Most, if not all, were totally hilarious and made me laugh and laugh. Great vid show. Really a lot of fun.
"Chewy" by Konnekted Twin (Star Wars) - Bwahahah! Um, dude, Chewy's kinda hot. I think I might need my brain analyzed. LOL. How come I'd never heard of this song before?
"Mustang and Hughes: The Friendship Test" by David Beach (Full Metal Alchemist) - Ahahahha. Don't watch FMA at all, but I do love anime vids a lot. This was very cute and funny. There were a great deal of spoken word vids, I thought, at VVC this year. Interesting.
"Meet the Echolls" by Kimera (Veronica Mars) - People (looks at Melina) have been trying to get me to watch Veronica Mars since it first aired, and I just haven't been interested. Nothing about the show grabs me at all, but this vid was the first thing I've ever seen about VM that made me think I'd like the show. I was like, "Oh! Parents! Who are Screwy! Excellent." heh. Actually, I had to ask what show it was because there were no actual typical VM characters in the vid for me to place it.
"Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah" by Ferret Face (M*A*S*H) - Honestly, I was just happy to see a M*A*S*H vid. I'm easy. And it was cute. :)
Digital Axes for Stone-Age Television:
This was another show that I only stayed for one or two vids before ducking out.
"Knights of the Round Table" by Killa and T.Jonesy (Star Trek:TOS) - This vid makes me very happy. Every little bit of it.
"She Hates Me" by sisabet (Moonlighting) - Dude, a Moonlighting Vid! I actually didn't watch this vid until I got home, but it's on the Con DVD, and I was very upset with myself for not realizing it was in this vid show. Great song choice. And good God, I remember when Bruce Willis looked like that.
Lord King Bad Vid:
"Father Figure" by sisabet (SV) - ANOTHER Smallville vid that makes me wish I still watched the show!
"Lose Yourself" by Kusoyaro (Napoleon Dynamite) - Bwahhahahha. Man, I love that movie. I'm not sure about it being a LKBV, though... But I love that movie. It's so painful! bwee.
"Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want" by zeneyepirate (Hard Core Logo) - I always react to HCL vids for some reason. I still haven't seen the movie.
"All By Myself" by T. Jonesy (ST:TOS) - Makes you just want to cuddle, pet, and squeeze poor little, put upon and ignored Spock, doesn't it? The POV shift in the vid always gets me, though. I mean, the vid may be a bit OTT, but even so, it's kinda heartwrenching.... Or maybe that's just me. :)
"Separate Ways" by Barkley and Pouncer(SGA/Air Wolf) - I mention this vid merely for sheer genius. I don't even know how you would realize the parallel here?! But then, one can never doubt the evil genius of Barkley, can one?
"Bring me to Life" by Lum and sisabet (Zombie Movies) - I was torn between hating the song and loving what they did with it! Genius, as only one can expect from Lum and sisabet.
"God Says Nothing Back" by Morgan Dawn (Supernatural) - This was my favorite of the Supernatural vids that were shown at this years VVC. I wish I could say something more intellegent about it, other than I thought Morgan Dawn worked remarkably well with such a monochromatic show (which I knew she could, from her Jerimiah vids). SPN is not a show I watch regularly, but what little I've seen I've liked. I do wish there were just a smidge more color in the show which would make the vids really pop more, because I can tell that so much is going on and some really great things are happeneing and the vidder is really doing fabulous stuff -- and very little, if any of that, registers with me, because it's all washed out, one color, kinda lost in the sameness. Even Jerimiah had more variation. I'm sure if I were more familiar with SPN it would be less of an issue.
"Crazy" by Jill (Life on Mars) - I adore this song, and being unfamiliar with the source, but knowing enough about the story being told, I thought it worked brilliantly. Each time I had heard that song on the radio I wondered to myself what show would work for it. None of the shows I knew worked, so I'm glad someone vidded it to a show that does work for it, rather remarkably well.
"David" by e^y (Buffy and Angel) -- Heeeee. Puppet Angel. :) :)
"Summer Dress" by
elistaire (Hellboy) - Hey, awesome, a Hellboy vid! Hellboy was a film that I liked when I saw it, and then promptly forgot all about it. It was rather charming, tho, not incredible, but nice. And the vid is really a great compliment to it, and how wonderful that the vid focuses on the female character (who's name I'm blanking on), who I thought was the most interesting of the characters. Nice use of color, too.
"Monochrome" by sweetestdrain (Carnivale) - This vid served to remind me that I need to watch Carnivale. Each time I see a vid to Carnivale or even commercials, I'm a bit creeped out and also very intrigued. Great vid, wonderful use of the palette on the show.
"Lullaby" by Eunice (Dead Poets Society) - The vid that made everyone cry. I very nearly cried, but as I'd said to many people after the show, I'd cried so hard when I first saw that film, I'd done all my crying by the 100th viewing of the film. :) It's a lovely, moving, aching vid, though, and really, keep a hanky close. I did choke up a bit, particularly during the shots in the snow after Neil kills himself. Previously, the ending of the film would have seen me wiping tears for hours, but this time, it was the immediate fall out over the suicide. *sigh*
"William Goldman's The Princess Bride: Even More Abridged" by Duelbunny (The Princess Bride) - You know, even though the vid didn't really tell us anything new about the movie, and it was just a retelling, I loved it. I was very happy to see all those fun characters up there. I'm easy. :)
"Can You Feel" by Killa and f1renze (Buffy and Angel) - Again, I can't really say anything worthwhile about a Buffy and Angel vid, but I do like to watch Spike and Angel dance around each other. :)
"Subterranean Homesick Blues" by Lum and
tzikeh (X-Files) - Every once and a while there's an X-Files vid that makes me want to watch the show again. I was seriously contemplating putting the show on my Netflix after this vid. I may still do it, although I think I came to my senses.
"Life During Wartime" by
cesperanza (SGA) - I *do not* watch SGA, but I feel a kind of affinity to SGA fans, because it reminds me of my Star Trek: Voyager days. It's like Voyager on twelve kinds of crack, which is saying something since Voyager fandom was pretty out there. And also, John Sheppard *is* kind of cute, isn't he?
"Comin Up from Behind" by
redina (Bound) - I don't think I'd ever known about this film before watching this vid, but I found it fascinating, and although I was prepared not to have it work for me because of the song choice, the version of this song was kind of perfect for the source - sensual and dark, and sort of hard-edged.
"Hurt" by destina (Brokeback Mountain) - You know, this movie makes me Hurt. And with this vid, which was brilliant and achey and finally used Hurt as the song was intended, has pretty much made me seen all the BBM I can handle! Beautiful vid.
"There Is Too Much Light in This Bar" by AbsoluteDestiny (Life on Mars) - Ah, another spoken word vid. I'm really liking those. This was, appropriately, less smooth than the other LoM vid to "Crazy". More frenetic, which matched the tone of the man speaking in the vid. And as the man gets more and more crazed and more and more anxious, so does the vid get more and more anxious, building with the spoken words and the guitar underneath the words, too.
"Fix You" by SDWolfpup (BSG) - You know, I was some what gratified during Vid Review when so many people spoke up about not liking (or even hating) Coldplay, because I can't stand them, myself. But I cannot think of a more brilliant song for a vid coming from the POV of the Cylons. Sheer genius and also perfect. Great, eery, creepy vid. Especially the last few shots. The vid builds up to that moment when the Cylons are coming down the way and all the humans are standing around with their hands over their mouths. Yipes!
"Media Vita" by Melina (Rome) - This vid almost made me cry. And, I'm not sure why. I mean, the show almost makes me cry, too, and I was pretty much left speechless after the last episode. It kind of grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go. Watching Caesar get stabbed is not a surprise, and yet it is! And it's aweful! But the vid is amazing. *g* And also, great parallels! And I liked that she used the Vorenus & Pullo fight scene to match the Caesar death instead of Vorenus and his wife.
"Bukowski" by astolat (House MD) - Whenever I watch House I always end up practically livid with annoyance and anger, so I've stopped, but I can't think of a more perfect song for that fandom. And astolat does a great job making such a dull, static show move. And, I love Modest Mouse, so she really had me from the get go, already.
"I Put You There" by
laurashapiro (Everyone!) - Oh! As Speranza said, this vid breaks into the Fourth level of vidding, really expanding outside of what vidding has been. And! It's about all of us. We all can relate! Fabulous.
Pimp My Small Fandom
"What's On Your Mind" by Chris Harshmann (VR5) - I loved VR5 when it was on, and I always marvel at how similar it was to the X-Files in terms of parents fucking up their children and government conspiracies. I mean, it really did the X-Files thing way before X-Files did, even if they were on the air at the same time. It's a shame that show didn't last, and I am always glad to see a vid to it.
"Window of Opportunity" by here's luck (Wonderfalls) - I watched one or two episodes of Wonderfalls when it was on, but then it was gone before I could make it a habit. I'd seen this vid before, but I still love it.
"A Day in the Life" by astolat and Speranza (Dead Zone) - Man, I love the Dead Zone, so much. And this vid makes me love it even more!
Challenge Show:
I loved all of the challenge vids, and it's quite amazing how each year they're all so excellent! I don't remember who did what, even though most of them were revealed at VVD, but I think the info is around somewhere.
"Repeat After Me" (Xena/dS)- Oh My God, Fraser totally has Xena's hair! How do people think of these things? Brilliant.
"Atlantis!" (SGA) remix of "Rumble" - It just makes me smile, the whole musical numbers thing. And, as someone pointed out, McKay is both feeling pretty and he can't say no. Bwahaha.
"Dr. Who on Holiday" remix of "Sci Fi Friday in a Blender" - I loved both of these vids so so much. I really love all the Dr. Who vids, but I watched them with one eye closed so as not to be spoiled, but that didn't lessen how awed I was with both of these vids. Great stuff.
"Have You Heard" remix of "Two Words" - Totally impressed with how the vidder used so many of the same footage and clips for a song that was totally different.
"It's the End of the World As We Know It" remix of "It's the End of the World As We Know It" - Wow! This is the *second* Harry Potter vid of the weekend that really worked for me. Previously there were none, and now, there are two! And the vidder matched up similar clips in HP to those that Lum used in her vid. Way impressed. Very cool.
I also went to the Auction Show, but for some reason I'm not sure of, even though it's a show during the weekend, it's not listed in the program. I can kind of understand it not being in the Con DVD, since they almost owned by the person that won the auction, but I, well, I don't know. I think it's kind of silly for them not to be listed somewhere in the actual program. 'Cause, well, I don't remember what they are. ETA: Um, so the Auction Vids ARE listed in the program. My bad. I'm just blind and also lacking in reading comprehension skills, obviously. bwah.
Auction Vids:
Well, I'm VERY fuzzy on these, but now that I'm looking at the list, I'm remembering more and more about them.
"You Only Tell Me you Love Me When You're Drunk" by sweetestdrain for here's luck and duelbunny (BSG) - Ah, perfect song choice for Starbuck. Starbuck is one of my favorite characters of all time, and I'm happy to see strong vids for her.
"Kick in the Head" by SDWolfpup for and with Greensliver (ST:TNG) - Bwahhahahaha. Oh, dear. Riker, you slut! How I missed you. I loved TNG when it was on, but I was always a Data and Picard fan, and not so much a Riker fan, but then he kind of grows on you, and now I adore him. This vid was fun and funny, and had a great song for Riker. In my opinion, TNG, VOY, and DS9 are almost unviddable (not that people shouldn't try), because of the particularly stylized aesthetic for the show - so much music would clash, but this vid did a great job and the music totally works for Riker.
"From the Bottom of my Heart" by Killa for and with Maygra (SPN) - Lovely, moving, and it really made me want to cuddle Sam! :) Both of them, actually. I have a lot to catch up with this show.
"Five Moments" by Andraste for Lys (Dr. Who) - Again, I watched this vid with one eye open, since I haven't seen Dr. Who and I don't want to be spoiled. It looked cool, tho, and I loved how it joined the old Dr. Who with the later Drs. I knew just enough about the show to know they're numbered, and stuff.
"A Day Like Today" by Laura Shapiro for Voleuse (BSG) - I'm so happy to be seeing so many BSG vids! And Apollo makes me so happy, in his own screwy, adorable way. Lovely vid.
"I Enjoy Being a Girl" by AbsoluteDestiny for par avion (Multi) - Ah, fun. I must have been really fading by the time I saw this vid, because I only remembered it after downloading it and watching it. heh. But! I loved it, fun, sassy, and women who kick ass. What's not to love?
The panels will have to happen in another post.