So I decided I'd post every macro I've ever made on my livejournal. But it turns out there was more than I thought. So I've split them up into 4 parts. I tried to do it in a sort of chronological order (the batched not each single macro DX) but there was some over flow to try to keep the sizes at least kind of equal. Oh alos there were a couple that I wasn't sure if I made or not so I left them out, if I have accidentally stolen someone's macro as my own then I'm eternally sorry. ^-^;
Here goes...(These are the earliest ones.. + some overflow I think).
^ The first macro I ever made.. Sorry Heechul. *hides*
^ Oh Heechul, I love you really... I just happen to have a bias towards one theme picture folder. ¬.¬
Just "Did someone say faggot?" or something like that would've worked so much better... lol
^ *has lost the original of this pic, wants to re-macro it and is sad nao*
Alternatively... (and the one that I printed and put on my mirror):
^ Well he has to have something to pass the time while SJM/H are off doing activities.
^ Too many commas, no?
Those last two actually flow quite well don't they? lol I just like the novelty of Kibum!Facial expressions. (particularly the 2nd to last one, but srsly doesn't he look young?!)
This post kind of undermines the seriousness of my last one doesn't it?