Southland - Son is on a Midnight Run Like DeNiro.... (Cooper/Ben, NC-17, 4/4)

Jun 08, 2009 07:27

Part I
Part II
Part III

Son is on a Midnight Run Like DeNiro
or We're All Just Train Wrecks Waiting for the Crash

The next time you lie to me, make me believe it. )


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Comments 299

serialkarma June 8 2009, 15:30:05 UTC
this is dedicated firstly to [info]serialkarma, who was all "Hey!"

d'awww. And yes, that's pretty much exactly how it went. *g*

I still love this so v. v. much, baby and I am SO GLAD it exists. Yay!


hackthis June 14 2009, 19:38:51 UTC
You know I am very susceptible to suggestion. Especially when we're in the same fandom for a change and you don't tend to ask for much. Except for 106 pages. Who knew, man?


serialkarma June 15 2009, 02:20:01 UTC
psh. what's 106 pages or so between friends?


hackthis June 15 2009, 02:54:15 UTC
LOL. Trufax.


linaerys June 8 2009, 15:50:59 UTC
Sending this to my Kindle so I can read it in bed. Go you for posting something this long and I'm sure awesome. Yayayayayay!


hackthis June 14 2009, 19:39:55 UTC
I hope you liked it! :)


linaerys June 18 2009, 19:24:13 UTC
I did--it grew out of the dynamic we see on screen so beautifully, and the sex was so hot that I started blushing whenever they even got close. I loved how much it was just about who they are as people without any contrivances to get them together or break them apart. Wonderful!


hackthis June 18 2009, 19:39:40 UTC
What a lovely comment! That's probably the nicest thing you could've said about the story, that it felt like a natural growth. Thank you so much!


lazlet June 8 2009, 16:08:53 UTC
And there you were panicking when you began to realise that it might indeed go over the 100 pages mark!

This made me laugh [very loudly, I must add], flinch [God, Cooper is such a bear sometimes], sigh [so much adorableness], cry [for realz. I have no shame] and finally squirm in delighted pleasure.

You are rightly proud of this with its scorching hot sex, witty banter, fab characterisation [I want more Cesar, dammit!] and glorious romanticism.

You, lovely girl, rock my world.



hackthis June 14 2009, 19:44:18 UTC
And there you were panicking when you began to realise that it might indeed go over the 100 pages mark!

I wasn't panicking! I was just dubious. And maybe a little panicked. And then it just kept talking and talking and I had no control over it, and they were so perfect and sweet and then that were being mean to each other and I wanted to cry, and I couldn't even think about cutting anything out b/c it all seemed so necessary and then I was like if I'm gonna put that you gotta put that, and remember that one thing you'd wanted to write about, better put that in too. I won't be able to write another story, b/c they're all here!

I am so very very glad that you enjoyed this so much, I know I did.


wildestranger June 8 2009, 16:13:32 UTC
This is wonderful. I really, really loved the dynamics between them, and the sex was marvellously hot and real.


hackthis June 14 2009, 19:44:44 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it, thanks!


incredulity June 8 2009, 16:51:53 UTC
This was just all kinds of perfect. Seriously. It was everything I wanted, plus some. Just, everything. You have them down beautifully.

*does a dance of joy*


incredulity June 9 2009, 00:09:26 UTC
Also, this:

"What am I supposed to do when you leave?" John asks quietly.

Ben lifts his head and looks at John quizzically. "Where am I going?"

John's laugh is like razor blades in his throat. "You're 23, you're going to want someone else when you come out of your sex coma and realize that I'm not rich and educated, that I'm just some fucking guy that likes sleeping next to you."

That totally made me weepy. Oh COOPER!

And this, too:

John pushes himself up on his elbows and tugs Ben's mouth toward his own, trying to apologize the only way he knows how. He doesn't have anything else to give besides himself.

You kill me. In the best possible way.


hackthis June 14 2009, 19:47:00 UTC
That totally made me weepy. Oh COOPER!

They wore me the hell out when I was writing this. It was one long week of yay, we're happy, no, we're fighting, yay, we're having awesome sex, no we're fighting again. That kind of emotional strain is not healthy for any of us!


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