Them Other Boys Don't Know How to Act - A Merlin/Arthur Fanmix

Dec 19, 2008 10:09

[insert copious babbling here about my love of arthur and merlin and how awesome it is to have not one but TWO female leads that I adore, one of whom is a woman of color -- can i get a WHAT! WHAT! from the back? -- and how morgana/gwen is totally my sekrit otp and morgana is tres hot, la di da, sparkly hearts all over arthur, because we all know ( Read more... )

merlin (and arthur) ftw!, music

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Comments 75

antihysteric December 19 2008, 18:19:51 UTC
I am downloading! Thank you.


sparky77 December 19 2008, 18:20:40 UTC
Yay music!!!!!!

And I 100 percent approve the use of Sexyback. Ha!


kcstories December 19 2008, 18:22:40 UTC
Snagging. Thank you! :)


keeraa December 19 2008, 18:23:56 UTC
YES! You used Rebel Prince! ♥

Looks lovely, and your art is faaaabulous. :D


everysecondtues December 19 2008, 18:25:15 UTC
Hee, this looks awesome! Totally snagging. :D


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