Colbert Report/Political RPS -- The Most Powerful Jew in the World (Stephen Colbert/Rahm Emanuel)

Nov 17, 2008 10:26

Happy Birthday thefourthvine!!

Some things just write themselves.

The Colbert Report/Political RPS
Stephen Colbert/Rahm Emanuel
Rated Episodic = PG-13

The Most Powerful Jew in the World

Side booty )

stephen colbert for baby daddy, rahm is greater than you

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Comments 66

serialkarma November 17 2008, 18:33:23 UTC
Some things just write themselves.

you were left with no choice, really.

Also, "side booty" is the lj-cut text of the day, at least.


hackthis November 18 2008, 22:57:14 UTC
When I heard the term 'side booty' I was literally like, "what? Is that like 'muffin top'?"


serialkarma November 19 2008, 00:55:57 UTC
"what? Is that like 'muffin top'?"


hackthis November 19 2008, 01:14:36 UTC
LOL! Not even! I didn't even realize it was a sex term until I got the explanation. And how come I never read *that* story about Rev. Wright? Huh?


heidi8 November 17 2008, 18:33:51 UTC

I fully expect to see this on tv in February. Maybe March.


hackthis November 18 2008, 22:58:07 UTC
I sit here, anxiously awaiting the day that Stephen and Rahm are together in a room. Again. Did you see the whole roast? CLASSIC.


heidi8 November 18 2008, 23:02:42 UTC
I actually had saved it to watch during the LJ downtime-pocalypse, so I caught it today and they are made of FLAIL and AWESOME.

This is an awesome administration.


teenygozer November 17 2008, 18:43:31 UTC

And since I'm not sure you saw this, I post a link:

It's 30 minutes of joy.


hackthis November 18 2008, 22:59:26 UTC
I believe the colloquial terminology is that "I was all over that shit like white on rice. Like a fly on shit. Like Bill Clinton..." you get the point.


deepad November 17 2008, 19:26:30 UTC
Ahahahahahahahahaha. This works so well because its almost more realistic than fictional, if you know what I mean. I can totally see Rahm going on deciding to out-do Stephen, and Stephen left speechless the way he was when Jane Fonda snogged him.

Please, please give us a hint of Jon's reaction. Poor, poor, doomed to be the only rational non-grandstanding adult Jon. Perhaps he could have a conversation with Cooper about kids these days?


hackthis November 18 2008, 23:02:08 UTC
Ahahahahahahahahaha. This works so well because its almost more realistic than fictional, if you know what I mean. I can totally see Rahm going on deciding to out-do Stephen, and Stephen left speechless the way he was when Jane Fonda snogged him.

I long for this day. I yearn for this day.

Rahm Emanuel and Stephen Colbert Have Sex on Live TV! FCC now owns Comedy Central! Details at 11!


sparky77 November 17 2008, 19:28:09 UTC
You are brilliant and hilarious and I love you. Ha!

Also, poor Jon! I hope Stephen makes it up to him later!


hackthis November 18 2008, 23:34:51 UTC
Jon knows Stephen loves him best. Even when Stephen forgets it ( ... )


sparky77 November 19 2008, 00:00:51 UTC
Ha! and Aw! They have the sweetest, most dysfunctional relationship ever. I love them so much!

Also... help! We are reading about Alpacas online and just learned that they are dribble ejaculators and I had wine in the mouth at the time. It was bad. Also, Alpacas have detachable penises. MY LIFE IS SO WEIRD!!!!!! HELP!!!


hackthis November 19 2008, 00:11:49 UTC
Also... help! We are reading about Alpacas online and just learned that they are dribble ejaculators and I had wine in the mouth at the time. It was bad. Also, Alpacas have detachable penises. MY LIFE IS SO WEIRD!!!!!! HELP!!

I know this. I learned about it on Dirty Jobs*. Mike Rowe baby. Telling you things you didn't want to know since I don't even Remember when.

*Mike was at an alpaca farm and had to, ah, help put Tab A in Slot B. No, for real. He was not enthused about it.


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