Entourage/Political RPF - Changing the World is a Family Business (Ari Gold, Rahm Emanuel)

Nov 14, 2008 14:31

hackthis: [rage blackout]
antheia: You know what you need?
hackthis: To call up my ninja bretheren, so I can choke a bitch?
antheia: Write Ari and Rahm.
hackthis: .... Ohhhhhhhh.

Entourage/ Political RPF <--- Look! An 'F' not an 'S'!
Ari Gold, Rahm Emanuel
Rated R for offensive language. Like always.

Changing the World is a Family Business

Fuck you, I know you've been eating Pelosi's pussy. )

ari, rahm is greater than you

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Comments 46

girl_wonder November 14 2008, 22:45:10 UTC
I love it all to itty bitty bits. But the PS at the end is my favorite because I got that far, my brain short circuited and then I said, "Oh, wait. That's Ari, so it's... not ok, but in character."


hackthis November 15 2008, 19:54:52 UTC
Exactly. Totally, totally not okay. We like to be informative with our lessons, because you know people are all, well I heard Ari say it, so it must be... Must be completely offensive and fucked up and wrong. Don't get it twisted.


wyoluvr November 14 2008, 22:49:30 UTC
omg, i love you more than pie, puppies, and pot.


hackthis November 15 2008, 19:55:17 UTC
WOW! That's a lot of love right there. *basks*


dine November 14 2008, 22:50:35 UTC
"You Republican assmonkey fucking, baby-eating, Thai hooker fisting, Bill Clinton fuck buddy titty licker - you accepted the Chief of Staff position and I have to find out from MSNBC? YOU ARE FUCKING FIRED, RAHM!

Ari's sure got a way with words, doesn't he? though I personally get my news from MSNBC, I can kinda see his point in this instance - a quick personal call might have been in order.

this is so much love!


hackthis November 15 2008, 19:56:06 UTC
I too agree that there's nothing wrong with getting your news from MSNBC, except for when MSNBC is wrong by jumping the gun. That makes me kind of crazy.


(The comment has been removed)

hackthis November 15 2008, 19:56:31 UTC
LOL. I love your icon


heidi8 November 14 2008, 23:48:00 UTC
Damn, I have no Jewish-ish icons this time of year! So I'll just say MAZEL TOV. And Henry Jenkins would be thrilled.


hackthis November 15 2008, 19:58:33 UTC
I don't know who Henry Jenkins is, but I'm glad he would approve. Also, I break out my dreidel icon for just this occasion ;)


heidi8 November 15 2008, 20:30:57 UTC
Professor of Media Studies at MIT - has done stuides on fanfic and fan creations. Just put out a request for Josh Lyman/Ari Gold fic with Obama included on his blog.

And what an adorable icon!


hackthis November 15 2008, 20:46:08 UTC
LOL! Love it!


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