Hurrah for 2008!

Jan 02, 2008 09:31

Okay, so I am going to write you guys Chuck/Bryce for my first story of the New Year, but I must finish up old stuff first. Namely the rest of my yuletide recs, which I'd meant to get to before the reveal, but whatever, y'all don't care.

Also, before I forget, if you only see one movie this year, see Juno. For real.

Billy Elliot

Dancing Boys -- Anybody and everybody has probably recommended this story, and they should have, because Jamie Bell was fucking adorable dancing around in a tutu and he's grown up quite nicely and so he should have as much attention as possible. Maybe he should date Shia, because they're around the same age. Clearly Milo likes them even younger than Shia. Oh C'MON, you knew I had to say something. I digress. The story has this line: Maybe he should have moved on better, but he's moved on the best he could //. It was bound to be awesome.

The Devil Wears Prada

Still Life with Lipstick -- It's amazing to me that Miranda/Andy never even occurred to me until you lot started writing it and then I was like, oh, well, duh. Meryl Streep was totally rocking that white hair and those clothes.


Crisis Management -- Some of you may be shocked to learn that I did not write Entourage this yuletide, but I have a policy not write anything I've written for yuletide before and since I wrote Ari last year, I left it alone, and OMG! There was so much good shit this year, thank god I didn't written or I'd've been totally left in the dirt. In this story Ari finds out about Vince and E, and just, Jesus this was so good even my inner Ari had to give it its due.

Janet Evanovich - The Stephanie Plum series

The War At Home -- This was absolutely sensational. If only Stephanie could have this much progression in the books -- with Ranger of course though. I admit it, I am totally on Team Ranger. Morelli is nice, but Ranger… man, he can save me anytime.

Ocean's 11

Smoke and Mirrors -- Danny being hot and Rusty being Rusty. Post-O13 with all those loose ends that you were wondering about in the first place.


The Strange and Not Entirely Ineffective Courting of Jon Stewart by Stephen T. Colbert
-- Okay, this is the one story I did actually read because of the author - but, you know, it was sparky77, so I was kind of required. And she mentioned George, so you know, I was pretty much toast. You will be too.


What Happens In Freedom Stays In Freedom -- Fine, it is true, Shawn/Lassiter are totally shipped by the writers of Psych. Except for when they are shipping Gus/Shawn. Or Shawn/Juliet. The writers are equal-opportunity. I found out just as I was posting this rec list that scribblinlenore wrote this (reveal never matters much to me, except for me to to say 'oh, DUH!') As I told Lenore though, "I love how many stories I really enjoyed were written by my flist. Just saying." Biased what?

When Gus Met Shawn (and She-Ra) -- Forged notes, stale crispy M&Ms (Do they even make those anymore) to declarations of love and Shawn just being Shawn… you know, if we could get this much awesome Psych slash the other 364 days of the year, the world would be a most awesome place. Just saying.

Oh, and me? I wrote Mad Men this year. Nearly fucking killed me it did. Your Life Has Not Been Trademarked (Some People Have Real Problems).

recs: entourage, recs: misc

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