MSTSMF Cookie (Happy Birthday to ME!)

Nov 27, 2007 11:19

Thank you to everyone who has wished me a happy birthday, with special thanks to heidi8 for the awesome Nathan-vid she made me and to romanticalgirl because she wrote me Burn Notice fic!

It's my birthday, so I can do whatever the hell I want. Except apparently get enough time to write Chuck/Bryce sexxor. Here, have a MSTSMF cookie based on this conversation Read more... )

rps: make sure they see my face

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Comments 62

ethrosdemon November 27 2007, 19:28:50 UTC
Who is that in that icon? Coach Taylor?


hackthis November 27 2007, 19:31:12 UTC
No, dear, that's Shia, he's the star of my latest RPS opus.


lyra_sena November 27 2007, 19:45:04 UTC
omfg, it DOES look like Coach Taylor at a certain angle.

*goes to the corner and proceeds to cry*


hackthis November 27 2007, 21:09:29 UTC
No more crack for you, little girl.


oh_mcgee November 27 2007, 19:38:24 UTC
AS;DLKGJSLKDJFS;LAKSDJF. ADRIAN AND SHIA ANNNNND MILO?? Adrian/Milo = The Hotness. Shia/Milo = The new hotness. Milo/Shia/Adrian = ME FORGETTING HOW TO BREATHE.

Ahem. Pardon my fangirling capslock, but damn. All that pretty on one screen is just too much for my little heart to handle. *faints* HAPPY BIRTHDAY BY THE WAY!


hackthis November 27 2007, 21:21:59 UTC
That is a lot of pretty isn't it? Damn it feels good to be the birthday girl! :-)


lyra_sena November 27 2007, 19:44:05 UTC
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!! *twirls you* Hope the day is wonderful.

Last night at one point during Chuck (when they were at the dinner table and Chuck whispers THAT LINE to Sarah about [character] being in his [blank]), I paused the tv and turned to SK. "That line Chuck just whispered should be the title of a fic. In fact, I bet that Zahra is writing it as we speak."


hackthis November 27 2007, 21:25:16 UTC
OMG! That entire show was me just going !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean wow, just wow, I don't know which line you are referring to, because I missed most of the dialogue for all the gay. I mean the dude who plays Bryce is totally Sean Maher's twin in that he just permeates beauty and queer as a three dollar bill-ness. The minute they spoke Klingon I was like, how long did it take them to learn that? How many nights were spent awake teaching each other that? Did they write it on body parts? Did it turn into a you have to ask for all sex acts in Klingon type of thing?


slodwick November 27 2007, 19:45:54 UTC
Masochistic little lovemonkeys. ♥


hackthis November 27 2007, 21:25:37 UTC

Yes, they really are.


cicak November 27 2007, 19:54:04 UTC
That was so hot, the mental images of Milo, oh my!


hackthis November 27 2007, 21:26:04 UTC
They are incendiary.


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