Make Sure They See My Face (The Love and Peace or Else Interlude, NC-17)

Nov 06, 2007 13:04

I've been leaving people Shia/Milo MSTSMF cookies all over town -- #1 #2, #3, #4 -- which I blame very thoroughly on Shia. And Milo. But mostly Shia. And then I realized, you know, the epilogue is going to be great, but sometimes… sometimes the world just needs pron. In order to get this you really need to have read Act V, because well, ( Read more... )

rps: make sure they see my face

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Comments 40

bad_luck November 6 2007, 21:18:16 UTC
I love that even when he's ridiculously jealous, Milo still has time to dress snazzy. Ever the fashionista.

Minor spelling errors:
Adrian was actually the one who told Milo he had the bid flu Adrian's name commands sexiness and attention therefore all other "r"s are allowed to be exempt. ;)
And. . ."I though you were the press."

Still, they don't distract from the utter hotness of this story and how wonderfully amazing your Milo is. I approve! <3


bad_luck November 6 2007, 21:32:11 UTC
=\ I just realized how bad of an idea it was to read this during class. . .Damn your incredibly well-written porn.


hackthis November 10 2007, 01:34:48 UTC
Porn is fodder for the mind. Or something. Who can say no to hotassery?


kelly_girl November 6 2007, 21:35:55 UTC
Man, this was smoking. Love Milo flying to Chicago and Adrian being the one that told him to play sick.

Milo and Shia kissing and touching makes my mind dizzy. Dizzy's good. Milo being all forceful and demanding. Hell.Fuck.Yes. Then the thought about Shia being his. *Squees*

Love the end with Milo telling him they're all wearing Walgreen shirts to the premiere.


hackthis November 10 2007, 01:35:25 UTC
Milo and Shia kissing and touching makes my mind dizzy. Dizzy's good. Milo being all forceful and demanding. Hell.Fuck.Yes. Then the thought about Shia being his. *Squees*

You know that was pretty much my feeling when I was done writing it. :-)


isagel November 6 2007, 21:37:23 UTC
I read through this entire series last night, and I'm utterly in love with it. Because while it is completely cracktastic crack, it's also beautiful and raw and real. The Viggo and George parts kind of broke me, in all the best ways, and this interlude was just breathtakingly hot.

Looking forward to the epilogue. :)


hackthis November 10 2007, 01:36:09 UTC
Aw, you are very kind. I'm so pleased you liked it so much, I've truly enjoyed writing this.


cicak November 6 2007, 21:37:52 UTC
I love this series more than I can stand. This is so so damn hot.


hackthis November 10 2007, 01:36:33 UTC
I'm so glad you've enjoyed it!


wildestranger November 6 2007, 21:53:25 UTC
Gnah. Hot and lovely. And I really want to read about the premiere now. :)


hackthis November 10 2007, 01:36:59 UTC
And, lo it is done and up. I hope it met with your approval :-)


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