Maybe you can't buy love, but you can certainly buy enough stuff to make you delusional for a while.

Mar 02, 2007 15:59

Okay, flist, here's your chance to shine. If a girl was going to Lush for the very first time ever and just wanted to buy things to make herself happy, what should she get and why? C'mon. Impress me with your vast knowledge.

ETA: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! I bought, err, like, everything. I got two bath something or others, not the balls, they're big dissolve things (checks catalogue) bubble bars called The Comforter and Karma (yes, y'all are big on Karma). I got a Big Blue (It has seaweed! I'm trusting you here thepouncer). I also got the Extra Virgin Olive Oil soap, Coalface and Demon in the Dark (yes, on your suggestion S), oh and some Nude soap. And then, because I spent so much they gave me a big ass bag of leftover stuff from the holidays which weighed more than what I bought. AWESOME! Thank you guys. *hugs flist*
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