FNL - My Best Friend's Girl (Landry, Tim, Matt)

Jan 12, 2007 13:19

I cannot begin to tell y'all how happy it makes me to read my flist and see everybody talking about FNL. I mean really. YAYE! Also, I repeat myself. I know this. Suck it up and go watch this week's deleted scenes anyway, it will assuage some of that pissiness I know some of us were feeling when the episode was over. Hopefully this'll help a ( Read more... )

friday night lights

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Comments 62

musesfool January 12 2007, 21:34:24 UTC
Oh, boys... There's nothing like that horrible "I'm not bitter, no, I'm really not" feeling when your high school bff ditches you for a significant other, and then Riggins shows up to commiserate! *loves*


hackthis January 17 2007, 23:29:30 UTC
There's nothing like that horrible "I'm not bitter, no, I'm really not" feeling when your high school bff ditches you for a significant other,


And also? WORD!


livrelibre November 2 2008, 07:05:38 UTC
Ditto (though i would have felt significantly better if Riggins had come over to hang out). This was spot on.


1407graymalkin January 12 2007, 21:35:57 UTC

Landry/Tim friendship is my new bread and butter (well at least until Tim and Jason actually have a scene together) . I love how you actually wrote Landry with Matt. Everyone seems to have ditched that since they have the new shiny that is Landry/Tim.

And I loved Landry's muscial tastes. Loved it like a fat kid loves cake.


hackthis January 17 2007, 23:31:12 UTC
I know, I am tired of the dearth of Jason & Tim scenes for real. However, Tim and Landry together certainly make up for a lot of wrongs, I must say. And I enjoy Matt and Landry, but I think we're all on Landry's side in this seperation.


shrift January 12 2007, 21:46:01 UTC
Dawww! Landry and Tim! They are my favorite new odd couple, and this story is a perfect example why.


hackthis January 17 2007, 23:31:38 UTC
I cannot stop writing them, they just make me feel better about life.


romancandles January 12 2007, 22:06:41 UTC
Dude, I can not read this right now because I too am writing a Landry post-ep and I do not want it to be incredibly obvious that I am stealing your ideas and passing them off as my own. I like my theivery to be a bit more subtle than that. However, I will say that when I saw this at the top of my flist, I made a truely inhuman noise. Like a dying whale. But cuter.


romancandles January 13 2007, 06:35:16 UTC
Okay, now I have read it and I am envious of your Tim voice. He sounds like Tim. I particularly like the idea of Tim actively seeking Landry out and of them spending more and more time together after last week's episode (confimed by the deleted scenes!). The Matt/Landry dynamic falling apart is also very nicely done, the way Landry's pissed and hurt about things changing.

Also, I notice that Landry is sharing his pie with Riggins, which I take to mean that you took my words about "those who eat to together, sleep together" to heart.


hackthis January 17 2007, 23:33:36 UTC
I feel like it's only a matter of time before they are painting each other's toenails and talking about the new Nelly Furtado CD. What delusion? And yes, those who eat together are clearly messing around behind the bleachers.


hackthis January 17 2007, 23:32:32 UTC
You are in Prague! You are not here to commiserate tomorrow morning. I could feel bitter, but you know, Prague.


pir8fancier January 12 2007, 22:13:47 UTC
I don't watch television, but man, once again, you have me hooked, because I don't NEED to watch this show to get the ache going on here.


hackthis January 17 2007, 23:34:18 UTC
FNL is fucking awesome. There's really no way around that. You don't have to watch TV, you can watch them on-line!


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