FNL - The Greater Good

Dec 07, 2006 12:44

The Good Shepherd. The Good German. Can we not think of another adjective beside 'good'? *looks down at story* Maybe not.

Yesterday it was Jason, Tim and Smash. Today it's the other storyline. Oh, FNL. It smells like teen spirit lust.

Friday Night Lights
Landry Clarke, Matt Saracen, Julie Taylor
Spoilers through 1.09 'Full Hearts'

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friday night lights

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Comments 36

romancandles December 7 2006, 20:56:10 UTC
Awwwwwwww. Matt and Landry! I've been waiting for this fic since forever. I like their friendship here and the way Landry knows that things are going to change and he'll have to be okay with it because he loves Matt that much. Plus, the Landry/Julie scene was nice to see--I feel like that had to have been the most awkward car ride ever. And Landry totally watches Battlestar Galactica. Word. Way to brighten my day, dude.


hackthis December 8 2006, 21:23:10 UTC
I feel like that had to have been the most awkward car ride ever.

Oh, you know it was. All that 'um, so yeah' 'yeah' 'yeah' -- and then the undercurrent of 'bitch, that's MY man! I will cut you if you hurt him' *cracks self up*


musesfool December 7 2006, 21:08:54 UTC

And also for Matt/Julie.



hackthis December 8 2006, 21:23:31 UTC
*preens happily*


(The comment has been removed)

hackthis December 8 2006, 21:23:53 UTC
They are truly awesome together.


killabeez December 7 2006, 21:28:41 UTC
"She has to like you," Landry corrects. "Or else she's really stupid."

awwww!!! SO TRUE. Yis.

{{{{loves this}}}}

You are making me so happy.


hackthis December 8 2006, 21:25:28 UTC
They are awesome together, sekritly awesome though, unlike Jason and Tim who are just angsty awesome together. I really need to write about Tim having Jason's picture in his locker and how getting together with Tyra was supposed to make him forget about Street. Ohhh. See, now that I've done my Smash fic I can write that!


azewewish December 7 2006, 21:40:48 UTC
Of course Landry's a SciFi geek. *draws hearts forever*

Sad, too, that he's wise enough to know that his time with Matt is limited, no matter how much Matt can't see it.


hackthis December 8 2006, 21:30:33 UTC
Sad, too, that he's wise enough to know that his time with Matt is limited, no matter how much Matt can't see it.

Bless Matt and his innocent, yet hot, little heart.


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