Yukan Club Chapters 12 - 14

Dec 04, 2007 21:19

 Chapter 12 - Dark Business

  •  Yuri’s mother’s latest infatuation with girls’ comics and lacey ribbons drives the whole family crazy, while Yuri’s father is greatly disturbed with the massive influx of pink decoration.

  • He is especially stressed as he is fighting with his big powerful business rivals for the lucrative rights of the construction project for a new Hokkaido railway line.

  • He even dreams of a precious Buddha statue that has been missing for years, and is so haunted that he has been having sleepless nights.

  • The Yukan gang decides to help him solve the mystery behind his constant Buddha-statue dreams.

  • Miroku decides to use his pet dog in a bid to sniff out where the coveted statue may be buried.

  • However, the dog’s tracking down skills fail to impress, uncovering only bones and other absolutely irrelevant items.

  • Those business rivals soon hear of Kenbishi-san’s (Yuri’s father) elaborate mission to find the statue, and takes the chance to kidnap Miroku’s dog instead.

  • In another scene, Miroku’s father - Chief Inspector Shochikubai is investigating a suspected bribery between a minister and the rich businessmen who have an interest in the railway construction project.

  • He goes undercover, but ends up disappointingly drawing more attention to himself instead. He is taken hostage while trespassing the businessman’s private property.

  • In a contorted twist of fate, Miroku’s father thus finds himself locked up in the same attic as his son’s dog.

  • He forces the dog down a secret tunnel in the attic, to bring a message to the Yukan gang to rescue him.

  • Kenbishi-san is livid to learn of his business rivals’ unscrupulous act, and smashes into their premises to rescue Miroku’s father.

  • With the successful mission accomplished, the hard-hearted important figures are brought to justice.

  • As the Buddha statue remains to be found, Miroku’s dog continues to dig diligently……

Chapter 13 - Karen’s Dream Come True

  • Yuri informs her Yukan friends that a Middle Eastern prince will be staying at her place.

  • The royal family is facing military protests and unrest at home, hence Yuri’s father offered to provide shelter and protection for the time being.

  • It turns out that Yuri’s father and the Middle Eastern king used to be good friends while studying at Cambridge University (in fact everyone is in a state of shock that Yuri’s father even managed to finish high school…)

  • Karen is determined to capture the prince’s heart, in a bid to live in a life of luxury ever after.

  • The prince arrives and charms everyone with his looks and humility. The Yukan gang tries to bring him around Japan for a memorable trip.

  • However, Miroku’s chief inspector father ruins the day as usual, when he excessively stations policemen and bodyguards to follow (stalk) the prince.

  • In the end, Miroku shakes the police off after a dare-devil car chase and Karen is thrilled to finally go on a private date with the prince.

  • The prince soon receives news that the General instigating the military unrest has surrendered, and is safe to return home.

  • At the farewell party, those Middle Eastern soldiers arrived and disguised themselves to infiltrate themselves amongst the Yukan Club and their parents.

  • Karen and the Prince are taken hostage on the plane belonging to Yuri’s father. Unknown to the soldiers, the rest of the Yukan gang have managed to hide themselves in a secret compartment of the aircraft.

  • A fight ensues, with the kidnappers being subdued successfully.

  • Miroku’s and Yuri’s fathers insist on taking over the piloting jobs, and come close to bringing everyone on the plane to their graves.

  • As the Prince prepares to leave for his homeland, Karen is taken aback to see a number of Middle Eastern ladies rushing forward to hug the Prince. They turn out to be his several wives and fiancées.

  • The terribly appalled Karen hence turns him down flatly, and not before giving him a few hard knocks.

(EDIT: I figured episode 7 of Yukan Club is adapted from the above chapter ^^)

Chapter 14 - Ghosts Love Yuri

  •  The crucial exams are coming, and everyone is reminding Yuri of her dire results and the much needed room for improvement.
  • Even the school’s discipline master warns the Yukan Club he has no qualms in retaining them should they fare badly.
  • As the exams start, Yuri is shocked to see her hand moving against her will, writing more furiously than she ever had in her entire student life.
  • She tries to narrate to her friends that she may have been possessed for a second time in her life (refer to Chp 8) but they brush her off.
  • However, the other Yukan members soon believe her story, for the latest exam paper reveals that Yuri has miraculously topped the class.
  • Seishiro once again attempts to summon the ghost to hear his story, and they learn from the clues given that it involves their school’s discipline master and several rich parents from the school committee.
  • Upon investigation, they find out that a boy has committed suicide some time ago when he was refused entry into the prestigious school, mainly because of his family’s financial background.
  • They also discover that their discipline master is actually part of an illegal underground casino with those parents in the school committee.
  • Hence, they manage to infiltrate into the casino and with the latest little technology provided by Seishiro, they successfully got the attention of the casino’s President because of their huge winnings.
  • The cocky President challenges Yuri to an ultimate gamble - one round of roulette, with the title deed of the casino as the wager.
  • At this precise moment, the ghost takes over Yuri’s body and makes the betting choice for her.
  • Yuri wins without a doubt. She jumps for joy but at this unfortunate moment her disguise fell off.
  • Everyone in the casino was shocked to have been tricked, while Miroku calls his father for help.
  • The police arrive with Miroku’s father leading, and manages to round up everyone in the casino.
  • The ghost that had taken over Yuri’s body during the crucial gamble game is now appeased.
  • Yuri, still under the illusion that the student ghost is still within her, arrives at the examination hall with utmost confidence.
  • The rest of the Yukan gang is too disgusted to enlighten her on her miserable fate ahead.

yukan club

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