
Nov 12, 2005 08:21

This is sort of a new experience for her.

She's never gotten so many presents. Ever. It's... guh. Wow. Wow. Thank you notes are the least she can do. So she starts writing.

Thank you notes for all! )


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Comments 23

sthenyaer November 12 2005, 16:30:51 UTC
Mel finds the note, and writes one back. Hips- It's okay. I hope you like it. -Mel.

((It's a little house in a jar, like the one in the icon. If Hips wants to get away and not be found, or to just smoke or something and not be bugged, she can go into it by tapping the side of the jar and say 'in.' and if she wants to get out, she can tap any surface and say 'out' or 'back.'))


h_hollister November 12 2005, 19:35:31 UTC
Present opened.


That's very cute.


Thanks again, baby. I like the snowglobe a lot. I'm keeping it in my room. Only problem is, when I shake it, no snow happens. Am I doing it wrong?



sthenyaer November 12 2005, 21:14:22 UTC
Hips- It's not really a snowglobe. It's a pocket universe; you can go there anytime. If you want to be alone, or are on the run, or just need a place to sleep, you can go in it. Tap it twice and say 'in' if you want to go in, and if you want out, tap any surface in it twice and say 'out.' or 'back'.



key_to_me November 12 2005, 16:37:14 UTC
A note in return, yay!!

Hips, you didn't have to get me cookies!! You lovely person, you!! The movie is called "Lili", and yes it is a smooshy love story. But I guarantee you'll like it, since I do! God I'm such a GIRL.



h_hollister November 12 2005, 19:33:02 UTC

I am all about smooshy love stories, you know that! Hell, I LIVE 'em. :D Gimme a buzz when you're ready to come calling. Lurve!



zhilbar November 12 2005, 17:39:28 UTC
A note with a kung-fu bunny and the words "Hoppy Birthday!" arrives, and the tag end of the message "-nd a glorious year!" finish disappearing off of the inside space. New writing begins to appear, forming the words "Many thanks for having Me, Hippolyta! Check the wrapping pile again, there should be a little wooden puzzle box with a big 'H' inlaid on it. The brie and bottle were really more party contributions, though please be sure to drink up the wine this year; plucked it from the Royal Reserve of the Court of Amber, and I think they got it from the Keep of Four Worlds! I doubt I have to tell you how good that cellar is! The cookies are greatly appreciated; they go great with pearls! Party again around Solsticemas? Thanks again, and have a glorious year!"

((Sorry, I meant to have Him sneakily drop this off before I dropped off, but that didn't happen. The puzzle box is a little tricky, but nowhere near Rubik's Cube tricky, and inside is this brooch:

... )


h_hollister November 12 2005, 19:31:52 UTC
When she finally gets the box open, her jaw drops.


Good god.


Good god. Between you and John Sheppard, I'm going to look like a bloomin' Christmas tree. Thank you, it's gorgeous. I have nowhere to wear it, but I'm sure I'll cook something up. Wow.



zhilbar November 12 2005, 19:36:57 UTC

Glad you like it!

*Gigantic triangular smiley face*


And somewhere out there, an old dragon is feeling smirky.

... )


death_by_snark November 12 2005, 18:09:45 UTC
note back!

I would be very, very drunk. Yes. ~TDG~


h_hollister November 12 2005, 19:36:54 UTC

Gotcha. I think I've got just enough alcohol on hand to make this gift playwithable.

Seriously, Pom Pom, you're weird.



death_by_snark November 12 2005, 19:53:50 UTC
It was either that or the Cubical Doll house. This looked more fun. *grins*

Am I? Yay! Also, Pom Pom?



a_klutzy_auror November 12 2005, 18:38:05 UTC
A note back:

Hippolyta! Thank you for having me and thank you for the cookies. Oh you havn't? Well, you can't hear me but I'm cackling over that. I hope you like it and can put them to good use. By and by, do you know where I might get my hands on one of these PINpoint thingies and how do they work?



h_hollister November 12 2005, 19:28:00 UTC

Oh, lord. What're the fizzy things in the red packaging? They're hissing up a storm and scaring Pointy. Tee's said he's going to set them on fire if they don't stop soon. Send help.

And PINpoints were invented by Shay Caron, but I haven't seen him around the Nexus in AGES. You might want to ask Indigo next time you see her. She's pals with him.



a_klutzy_auror November 12 2005, 19:35:50 UTC

You mean the Fizzing Whizbees? They are like pop rocks only stronger. Well, I like them at least. You can put them in the sink and run water over them. They'll stop fizzing ... eventually.



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