Meet Cabernet Sauvignon, or Cab Sav for short. She's totally not a ripoff of Sallie's pirate Gin Brandy Port, nope.
She's my new muse, because Cherry and Mempi are getting a bit old and boring. They're also nicking off to Queensland every month or so, so they've been sacked and Cab Sav's taking over the job.
She's bouncy and fun, unsurprisingly has a penchante for fine wine, and may or may not be a pirate. Probably is just cos that so goes against the stereotype. She can use a sword but she's very girly, reason being that I've made her in GuildWars as a warrior and figure she can take all the girly armour that Nimay doesn't want. Yep =D In sketchy form tho, she can wear anything, unlike all my Yrae characters who look odd in anything but their native kingdom's stuff.
So there she is =D Cabernet Sauvignon, the clothes horse and new muse, wai =D
I thought I was going to have my next set of muses named after TimTam flavours, but there you go. I may yet give Cab Sav a girlfriend called Semillion Blanc. Then they can get married and she'd be Semillion Sauvigion-Blanc.
...I amuse myself far too much.
(Also, side note, no inking here because I've LOST my inking pens. A pencil case full of $25 worth of inking pens, possibly left at uni. I suck.)