470 post: recap/picspam, 2x22 Ua Hopu (Caught)

May 09, 2012 01:30

This episode was epic, awesome, and terrific! So much action. So fast! So much like a movie! A multiple exclamation point episode!!

It was good to have Alex back, and he is looking so good! Steve looked nice, too, in his ninja outfit, packing all that power!

The show opens in Osaka, Japan, with Wo Fat. As I was making my tea this afternoon, I was thinking about Wo Fat making his tea at the beginning (yes, this show IS my life). Then I spilled hot water on my hand! So chalk up another injury for which Wo Fat is responsible! I got burned! My friend Amber will verify this. (Amber’s response: Don’t worry, Anna!  Steve will avenge your honor and make Wo Fat pay for that!  That man is pure evil!)

Steve and a squad from Interpol break in and arrest Wo Fat (who has-surprise--murdered someone).

First phone call Steve makes? Danny! Steve checks behind himself before he calls! I know it’s because he’s going to ask for Five-0’s help tracing the phone number Wo Fat was calling, but it’s more fun to imagine that he had something else in mind!

Danny immediately starts yelling, and Steve wonders why. Echoes of that scene in 02x01 when they first met after Steve escaped from prison. “Why are you yelling at me?” Steve is clueless After much arguing, Steve finally mentions that he has Wo Fat in custody. “Way to bury the lead, buddy.”

Danny tells Steve to “Take care of your own six.” And Steve comments about it! Funny, but a little odd because Steve has never said that (as far I can remember). He doesn’t use much Navy or spy jargon, actually.

Kono’s mysterious boyfriend is Adam Noshimuri! That’s a little hard to believe, but you just never know what might happen. Kono looks so happy, though. He says he’s taking his business legit, and she believes him. Not sure if I do. But in a scene like this, I might.

Just as he's loading Wo Fat into the plane, Steve gets a phone call from Danny. Someone murdered a CIA agent. But more importantly, the boys banter some more! Steve won’t tell Danny anything because, “It’s classified.”

“I think that you think that saying stuff like that is cool.” Danny made Steve grin!

“What are you wearing!” Eeeeepppp!“Cargo pants!”

Danny goes to talk to the CIA, and this visit was full of useless spy-talk. “I can neither confirm nor deny.” Planes coming in dark and black helicopters are real! Yes, Danny! (I must mention, however, that the CIA agent who was murdered had a lovely name, Anna. (Do you think they named her after me? I would make a good spy.) Although it would be more lovely if they hadn’t killed her.)

The CIA has to call in a security guard?

Back to Steve and Wo Fat on the jet. Steve knows something is wrong when the landing gear goes down and they’re still 50 miles from Oahu. (I wonder what the in-flight movie was?)

Steve starts to investigate, shots are fired, and the pilot is killed. The jet is minutes from crashing, but Steve is able to fight his way to the cockpit and straighten the plane out. They still crash, but they skim the jungle instead of smashing nose first directly into it.

Awesome fight between McGarrett and Wo Fat, who seems to be a little bit better fighter. Although Steve wins! It was beautiful to watch this action scene. Mark Dacascos is a talented guy.

One of the CIA people wants to talk to Danny secretly, so they meet at a parking garage. Was Danny being really dense when he was talking to the CIA guy? Even I know what a handler is!

So Wo Fat has been working with the CIA for several years? Brokering arms deals. Very interesting! This explains why he was waiting at the hotel for McGarrett at the beginning. He wanted to be taken into custody to protect himself from the Yakuza, and he knew that his CIA handler would protect him from prosecution by the US government. But the Yakuza knew that, too, so they killed his handler.

Chin and Kono go to question Adam. Kono did a good job of staying cool while they were in Adam’s office, but then she started defending him when she talked with Chin afterwards. He’s a detective, and he figured out that Adam was Kono’s main squeeze! He was not happy.

The scene with Kono and Adam in that abandoned house? Powerful! Hiro was the person Wo Fat killed in Japan, and ewwwww, mailed to Hawaii. Kono was so upset, I was crying for her. (Excellent, Grace!) When Adam pulled a gun on her? I couldn’t. I do not have words, I was so shocked and disappointed. He sort of reminded me of McGarrett until he did that. They both go to extremes to avenge their fathers, but Steve wouldn’t turn on Kono like that.

Steve handcuffs himself to Wo Fat. He knows “they” are coming for Wo Fat, except he thinks it's to save him. Wo Fat failed to mention that the Yakuza want him dead!

But 7 Yakuza dudes are no match for one bad-ass Navy SEAL. He takes them all down and steals their helicopter! Go McGarrett!

In the meantime, the CIA kidnaps Danny. I am so glad they didn’t ruin his hairdo! Just enough tousling to make him messy. (Kind of like….well, that's off the subject. ::Mind wandering:: Messy hair...sexy...) 
It was pretty interesting to hear Danny threaten the CIA. “If anything happens to that plane, I’m gonna find you, and I’m gonna kill you.”

Did you get your invitation? Apparently there’s a party at Dillingham AFB at 9:47 PM, right by the black helicopter (the one that doesn’t exist). ‘Cause everyone who is anyone is there! I guess the Governor is missing, but everyone else attends.

I loved seeing all the hugs between team members. At first I felt gypped that Steve and Danny didn’t hug longer, but then seeing them from a distance, with Steve’s arm around Danny’s shoulders and Danny patting him on the chest, was actually much better. And he even threw in a “Book ‘em, Danno.” Yay!!

Wo Fat is in prison, Steve is home, we are happy. Next week? OMG!

episode 2x22: ha'alele, season: 2, type: picspam, type: recap

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