404 post: recap/picspam, Lekio 2x18

Mar 02, 2012 08:22

To be forever known as the episode in which McGruff and Muscles started to include passengers in their carguments. And the alpha males may have finally met their match.

Also the one in which yours truly replayed the opening credits 127 times. Because, uh, because…..I read slowly and didn’t want to miss any of the important names. Yeah, that’s the reason.
The show opened with Dennis Miller being Dennis Miller. Then he got blown up. Many of the guest stars spend so little time on the show. But in this case I didn’t mind, because I’d rather see the other guest star: James Caan!

But first, please forgive my moment of rabid Danny Girl-ing. WET, SHIRTLESS DANNY! No one told me about this ahead of time!? And didn’t he look splendiferous?? (Ok, this is the reason I had to replay the opening credits. I admit it.)

Protective Danny was sweet, if a little over-the-top. He called the boy evil! Are fathers really like that? Even if not, it’s no surprise that Danny is, especially after Grace was kidnapped.

Scene of the crime, and yes, indeed, it looked like a bomb blew up.

Poor Max was so upset when his van was stolen! I just wanted to give him a hug (Max! I love you!).

During the chase there were some great lines. A three-way cargument? “This vehicle was engineered to be driven in this manner….so hammer down, if you will.”

Max was so relieved when they caught the guys!

Those crazy acolytes were hilarious, if a bit disturbing. They were going to throw the body in a volcano?

The pace slowed down a little as Chin interviewed the daughter, Brandy (cue survivor music) and found out that Dennis Miller had recently purchased a gun. But no solid threats against him.

The lighting in this scene made Brandy’s eyes look so strange!

Danny and Steve segued from discussing the case to discussing Grace. Danny identified so strongly with the father wanting to protect his daughter. That is a nice way to bring in the feelings left from the kidnapping, without actually mentioning it. He’s always been protective, of course, but now he wants Grace to carry a stun gun to protect herself from malcontents. My heart just melts at the thought of a man who is so caring!! See, I’m not totally shallow!


Great interaction between the guys, too. Steve was concerned and Danny wanted to talk, but they didn’t just openly start sharing. They had little barbs and snarky comments mixed in. “Thank you, Sigmund.”   “It’s your hour.”

“Grace is giggling like a schoolgirl every time this kid opens his mouth.”
“Grace is a schoolgirl.”

The group discovered a new suspect! They found fingerprints from a retired New York cop who might have had a grudge against Dennis Miller. All these great detectives, and no one commented on how familiar this guy looked? *g*

Danny and Steve went to investigate at Tony Archer’s houseboat. How awesome was the first meeting between Steve (“McGruff”) and Tony!! First, someone finally replied “Five what?” to Steve’s “Five-0!”

Then, I yelled to the empty room surrounding me, “They’re going to count to 3! Just like Steve and Danny did when they met! With guns! They are doing this on purpose!” And Tony kept his beer in his hand the whole time.

For a moment Tony thought he had fooled Steve, but he didn’t account for Danny.
“You learned a big lesson, too, old man.”

While the guys interviewed Tony, he demonstrated what a colorful character he is. He called Danny “Muscles” (Steve approved), he told Danny to “fetch” (no one approved, telepathically), and he got Steve to refer to himself as an idiot (Danny approved)!

Seems that Tony was Dennis Miller’s best friend and Brandy's godfather (Ha!), and he’s also investigating the murder. In fact, Steve discovered that he had a suspect already!

Obviously, Tony is going to fit right in with the way Steve does things. (Even though Steve pretended that he didn't approve.)

Max discovered that the bomb was made from fireworks, so off they went to find the source. Another three-way cargument! And luckily, Tony “knows a guy.” Guess who!
“That’s our guy!”

The man who bought the fireworks was a dark-haired haoli about Steve’s height, so Tony said to Danny, “Book ‘em, Muscles.” Steve likes Tony!

Tony had a lead on finding the new suspect (Leland). While he was explaining to Steve and Danny, we saw the first glimpse of the real person behind Tony’s crazy, tough-guy persona.

He still managed to flirt with Kono when they finally met. (And hey, they mentioned Colorado! I think Steve and Danny should come here to investigate the suspect’s background. I will investigate their backgrounds and report back to you.)

Steve told Tony that he’s free to go since he was no longer a suspect, but Tony didn’t want to go to the beach and enjoy a Mai Tai. He practically begged Steve to let him continue with the investigation of his friend’s murder. A touching scene, really.

Kono took Tony to question Karen Whitfield, a woman who knew Leland. Tony was suspicious of her.

Later, Steve and Kono return to Karen’s house to find her dead! And guess who else they found?

But he had a good explanation, and they all solved the crime together. Gold stars all around!

Poor Brandy! She lost her father and found out that her husband married her for her money and was involved in the crime. The interrogation scene was intense and personal. That husband was kind of lame with his “I fell in love with Brandy!” But she still had Tony, who obviously cared about her.

The final scene, aboard Tony’s boat! Possibly one of my all-time favs! Danny relaxed and enjoyed removing his shoes. Steve and Danny discussed pedicures. Steve learned how to eat New York/New Jersey pizza. Danny called Steve an animal. Tony offered to be their marriage counselor, because they are always pecking at each other like hens! And everyone hugged. It’s a good thing.

~Aloha Au Ia 'Oe~

season: 2, type: picspam, episode 2x18: lekio, type: recap

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