Title: A Man in Chaos (art)
Rating: G
holmes221bMedium: Chalk on canvas
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Gene Roddenberry and the reboot to JJ Abrams.
Warnings: None
Artist's Notes: This was made for
startrekbigbang 2011 (round 3), specifically for
_samalander's submission,
A Man in Chaos (please note that the fic itself has a rating of NC-17 due to content). When I first read the summary to her fic, I had this vivid image of Bones that I just couldn't get out of my head until I copied it down on paper. But for some reason, I decided to try my hand at making a collage of images instead. As the deadline drew near to post my artwork, however, I decided to return to my original idea of a head shot of Karl Urban ala Doom.
_samalander's story isn't a crossover with Doom, mind you. It's just that the story's summary put this image in my head and that's the best way I can think of to describe it.