Ahahahaha oh my god, it's a WIP titles meme, totally ganked from
sorrynotsorry et al. THIS SAYS A LOT ABOUT MY WRITING PROCESS: to wit, that it is a mess. These are actual titles of actual documents, and I actually know what (almost) all of them mean. Also, enough of them contain parentheses--in the RIDICULOUS DOC TITLES THAT ARE NOT ACTUALLY FIC TITLES--that I
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Comments 83
Your memory is clearly very good, which has to be good for some kind of health (I think), and you are not held to producing any of these. Former Girl Scout promise.
a) I only remember what most of these are because there is some kind of wire loose in my brain that allows me to remember things only when I write them in crazed half-sane code and
b) I think if you have them you are supposed to post your own? I DON'T KNOW, I AM PANTS AT FOLLOWING RULES :D
And in that case, even though rules are not entirely known...
Standing Outside the Fire
Spanish Pride, English Prejudice
Souls Run In Circles
Snapshots of a Royal Family (oneshot series, who the hell knows if it counts? Also my Tudor fics all have 'S' titles, or the ones not on hiatus do, WTF?)
When The World Stops Turning
Kamikaze Airplanes
Untitled A/E (fuck I need a real title for this at some point)
New Kids In Town
A Moment To Be Real (just listing the series, because really, too many fics partly done to list individually. Then again, eight fandoms. I think.)
Never Left Behind (Inception, meet Burn Notice. Arthur and Michael are BAMFy buddies.)
I should probably spend more time doing coursework. I'll worry if/when my grades drop.
(The comment has been removed)
Total sense, bb, you're good. Hope the exam went well!
These are actually pretty descriptive!
Thank god the roomie's not home. He already thinks I'm crazy, no need to actually confirm it.
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