some motherfucking poetry (Or, THE INSPIRATION MEME)

Nov 16, 2010 20:12

two poems i enjoy under to start us out:

the tragedy of the leaves [charles bukowski]

I awakened to dryness and the ferns were dead,
the potted plants yellow as corn;
my woman was gone
and the empty bottles like bled corpses
surrounded me with their uselessness;
the sun was still good, though,
and my landlady's note cracked in fine and
undemanding yellowness; what was needed now
was a good comedian, ancient style, a jester
with jokes upon absurd pain; pain is absurd
because it exists, nothing more;
I shaved carefully with an old razor
the man who had once been young and
said to have genius; but
that's the tragedy of the leaves,
the dead ferns, the dead plants;
and I walked into a dark hall
where the landlady stood
execrating and final,
sending me to hell,
waving her fat, sweaty arms
and screaming
screaming for rent
because the world has failed us

it is at moments after i have dreamed [ee cummings]

it is at moments after i have dreamed
of the rare entertainment of your eyes,
when(being fool to fancy)i have deemed

with your peculiar mouth my heart made wise;
at moments when the glassy darkness holds

the genuine apparition of your smile
(it was through tears always)and silence moulds
such strangeness as was mine a little while;

moments when my once more illustrious arms
are filled with fascination,when my breast
wears the intolerant brightness of your charms:

one pierced moment whiter than the rest

-turning from the tremendous lie of sleep
i watch the roses of the day grow deep.


This post is henceforth known as:

Because everyone has moments where they want to be struck by something beautiful, no? So use these comments and use them well--post your favorite poems, your favorite photographs, your favorite pieces of art, your favorite songs. Post those things that make you stop and catch your breath and stare, the things that bowl you over and build you up. And maybe someone else will see them and interpret them the same way, and maybe someone else will see them and interpret them a totally different way. And maybe you'll see something that strikes you and you'll want to sketch something, or write a fic or an original short or a poem of your own, and leave it in these comments; and maybe you'll see something that strikes you and you'll want to sketch something, or write a fic or an original short or poem of your own, and post it somewhere else. BOTH OF THESE THINGS ARE FINE. In fact, it is all fine: there are only three rules.

1) To the extent we can keep images that are actually on the page baaaaasically safe for work, that'd be awesome. I am personally of the opinion that those Tom Hardy dick shots are both beautiful and deeply inspirational, but someone who has come for the poetry and the pretty photos in the middle of their workday might, you know, not appreciate T.Hard's bait & tackle as much as it should be appreciated.

2) Whenever possible, offer attribution for the poems/songs/photographs/artwork you are posting/linking. It is the right thing to do, and makes it easier for those of us who keep quotebooks like giant hipster nerds like...quoting quote them. If you do not know who to credit something to and/or it's credited to anonymous, simply note that :D

3) DRINK NOT OF THE HATERADE, FOR IT HAS A TASTE MOST FOUL AND ALSO I WILL BAN YOU. Everyone has different tastes, and perhaps you've always hated ee cummings and you think that anyone posting anything by him has TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TASTE. You and I would disagree on that topic, but it is okay for you to think that! It's not okay for you to comment STFU THIS IS STUPID CUMMINGS SUCKS YOU SUCK, because, you know, inspiration works differently for everyone, and nobody likes to be stomped upon. Okay? Okay.


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, poetry, inspiration meme, possibly it's a curse

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