Title: Top to Bottom
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Neal/Peter (implied Neal/Peter/El)
Spoilers: Nope nope, villain of the week is entirely made up.
Warnings: Defiling of a library?
Wordcount: 2351
Summary: Neal Caffrey doesn't place bets without knowing the odds.
A/N: Apologies in advance if I wake up
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Comments 42
My favorite part:
Peter made a terrible, desperate little noise and Neal wasn't entirely sure he could keep this charade up long enough to make his point--but he was pretty sure. He didn't bet without knowing his odds ( ... )
Seriously, the biggest smiles after I read them, always. THANK YOU.
The dialogue is amazing. I totally lost it at "you are OCCUPIED with FUCKING ME." :D
I'm so glad you liked this :D
One little typo in this exchange:
Neal shrugged. "We check it out," he said. "Stake out the library, see what happens. If I'm right, I'll try out that cock ring you've been so urgent about."
Peter hissed in a shocked, aroused breath and Neal, who in actual fact had absolutely no compunctions about putting on a cock ring, knew he'd been right to save that incentive for a rainy day.
Peter gave him a contemplative look. "Alright," he said, slowly. "And if you're right?"
Neal smiled, just this side of vicious. "If I'm right," he said, "we fuck in the library, and I get to top."
I think Nea'ls first offer should be, "If you're right, I'll try out that cock ring." Not "If I'm right."
And, lol, yes, that was totally a typo. I shouldn't post fic at 3 AM and then get off the internet for the weekend, alas! Thank you SO much for pointing it out, I would have discovered it myself later and been mortified :D
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