White Collar; Fic; Another Saturday Night, NC-17

Mar 04, 2010 17:23

Title: Another Saturday Night
Rating: NC-17
Pairing Neal/Peter/El
Warnings: That NC-17 up there is definitely not a joke.
Spoilers: Nope!
Summary: Peter's had a bad night; it's only fair that Neal and Elizabeth let him in on their fun.

Peter wasn't entirely sure what was wrong with him, that he hadn't known his wife of nearly 11 years could move like that, that it hadn't occurred to him to find out. )

white collar, my brain is to blame, neal/peter/el, captain americaverse, porn porn porn

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Comments 55

hoosierbitch March 4 2010, 22:36:26 UTC
I LOVE refreshing my flist and seeing AWESOMENESS on it.

*fans self* The image of the three of them together, Neal licking her while Peter fucked him, when she took her shirt off - that - I - *collapses*


gyzym March 4 2010, 22:40:45 UTC
I'm glad you liked it!

As I told photoash earlier, this entire fic happened because of THE RADIO ON THE WAY TO CAMPUS TODAY. I can't even listen to the radio without thinking of pooooorn, this is an addiction, helphelphelp :D


hoosierbitch March 5 2010, 03:41:05 UTC
*Help* you with your addiction? If you mean *feed* it, then YES! I would be HAPPEH to. Bwahahaah!


amycat1959 March 13 2010, 15:30:14 UTC
"Hi, my name is Gyzym and I'm a porn-fic writer..."?

Nope, I do NOT want to see a 12-step program to "cure" this!

::plays more porn-inducing rock music::


wpadmirer March 4 2010, 22:43:14 UTC
Yes, hot is the word for that.



gyzym March 5 2010, 00:10:38 UTC
Thanks :D


ladyshadowphyre March 4 2010, 23:22:39 UTC

That was definitely hot. Of course, I think my rectum clenched in sympathetic terror when Peter took Neal dry like that....


gyzym March 5 2010, 00:11:23 UTC
Glad you liked! And Peter wouldn't do that normally, buuuuuut I think Neal kind of likes it occasionally :D


ladyshadowphyre March 5 2010, 02:53:36 UTC
Apparently, and I'm hardly one to talk when it comes to rough sex, but... well. Tearing is Very Bad.


gyzym March 5 2010, 03:04:46 UTC
Yes, believe me, I know. I can add a little stretching to it if you think it's a big enough concern; I checked with a few people before I posted it and we came to the general conclusion that it was ok, so long as it wasn't portrayed as a regular thing. But it'll only take me a second to slip in some lube or a quick finger-prep, and if you think it's that distracting I'm more than willing to consider changing it.


speccygeekgrrl March 4 2010, 23:55:04 UTC
As much as I love the porn-- and I really, really love the porn-- the best thing about this story is the last three paragraphs. Just, YES, that moment is perfect. ♥


gyzym March 5 2010, 00:15:08 UTC
:D I'm so glad you liked this! Especially those last three paragraphs--this fic is part of what I'm now calling the Captain Americaverse, because, um, there are so many stories in it that I've felt compelled to name it, and those are the only paragraphs in here that actually serve a purpose for the story at large!


elrhiarhodan March 5 2010, 01:22:26 UTC
Pardon the squee/flail, but hot DAMN !

Captain Americaverse - oh, that's wonderful. Plz can I have a master post page?

I sat reading this on my iPhone during a PT session - I'm never going to be able to have electrostimulus treatment without thinking of Peter/Neal/El getting it on. And on.


gyzym March 5 2010, 01:26:37 UTC
Hilariously, I am literally in the process of putting a list up on my userinfo as I type this; I'll do the master post immediately after. They are all tagged as "captain americaverse", though, as of fifteen minutes ago :D

And I've done the PT thing, so I'm very glad I could provide porn to help with that experience! Glad you liked this! Thanks so much for reading and commenting :D


dracofiend March 4 2010, 23:59:27 UTC
I love inarticulate Peter. He's so good at it, that's why. :) And this makes me want to see Neal at a club--actually at a club, dancing, not outside a club where he is then tasered and kidnapped...

superhot. superfine.


gyzym March 5 2010, 00:17:30 UTC
Hee, I'm glad you liked it!

In response to the comment you left on that other post (because I'm lazy, and because I think if I open another Safari window my computer will melt), I also am not necessarily drawn first to porn; given the choice between a porny fic and a plotty one, I will always read the latter. Buuuuuuut I do love to read (and write!) about these three getting down with their bad selves on occasion :D


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