[SCA] Classes What I Have Taught

Mar 14, 2010 14:04

So for one reason or another, I was thinking back over the classes I've taught in the SCA over the last decade or so - how many, what subjects, things like that. One reason is that since I'm going to Pennsic this year (with the blessing), maybe I might teach a class at Pennsic since I never have before, and if so, what? Another is the feeling of disconnect I get when other teachers or university chancellors talk in terms of "What classes do you teach?", as if most teachers have a set standard repertoire - me, unless asked to do a particular subject, I just teach about whatever I'm interested in these days, I certainly do not have a repertoire on which to draw.

So I've rootled around amongst my notes, and came up with the following list:
Albigensian Crusade
Bayeux Tapestry-History
Calamitous 5th Century
Eddas and Sagas
Great Papal Schism
Henry V
History of Carolingia
History of the Middle Ages
Holy Grail
Italian Wars 1490-1560
King Arthur
Kingdom of Jerusalem
Matter of Burgundy
Military History of the Dark Ages
Old Norse Name
On Storytelling
Overview of Norse Mythology
Period Orders of Chivalry
Story of Pope Joan
That Was the Year that Was: 1000
That Was the Year that Was: 1066
That Was the Year that Was: 1492
Who’s Who in the Wars of the Roses

Plus there may have been a couple more - I found a map and list of dates that seems to suggest a history of the Carolingian dynasty [the item on "History of Carolingia" in the list refers to the SCA barony], and I seem to remember one on the Crusades as military history.

So that's about 25 class titles over ten years, which sounds like an average of 2.5 per year except that most of those I've taught more than once so the count of classes taught would be higher. No wonder I sometimes feel my age. Note that the list does not include titles of University of Carolingia lectures from the elder years; I very much doubt a complete list could be made at this point, and anyway was not the kind of class I'd started out thinking of.


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