AR vid

Feb 09, 2009 17:46

AR Video
Song: Destiny Rules by Fleetwood Mac
Spoilers: Up to and including 4x14 Blood on the Scales
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, I do not own the characters of BSG or the music. They belong to Ron Moore and Fleetwood Mac, respectively.

Download link hereIt's my first ever bsg video (and quite possibly my last because it was ( Read more... )

video, battlestar galactica

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Comments 8

speechdork February 9 2009, 23:24:31 UTC
omg yay!!! fleetwood mac + BSG = best video ever! This was spectacular.


gypsygem81 February 10 2009, 06:40:49 UTC
Thank you! So glad you liked it! I've been thinking about this song in relation to an AR video for a while now but it wasn't until this week's episode that I was actually inspired enough to do it. Thanks for the comment!


bree_fan88 February 10 2009, 00:04:59 UTC
Already seen it, but it's just ♥
Love it :)


gypsygem81 February 10 2009, 06:41:45 UTC
Thanks again sweetie ♥


untoldsarcasm February 10 2009, 00:24:14 UTC
Beautifully put together vid... and an inspired song choice. I love it ♥

It would be a shame if this was your last.


gypsygem81 February 10 2009, 06:45:33 UTC
So glad you like it! I'm not prmising that this is my last, but it was so hard and took so long! It's my last for a while, lets just say that.


roslinforever February 12 2009, 19:19:47 UTC
Adama/Roslin and Fleetwood Mac = &hearts &hearts &hearts

So this is what happens when you get snowed in and can't go to work, eh :-)

Your first BSG vid, not your first vid ever? It can't be the latter as this was too nicely put together to be a first time endeavour!

Thanks for the download link; it's one I would want to keep and watch time and again for sure :-)


gypsygem81 February 13 2009, 19:01:51 UTC
Thanks so much for such a lovely comment! I have done one video before, it was a West Wing video and it was about a year ago. And I remember now why it took me so long to attempt another one!! But I always thought this song suited Bill and Laura so much, even more so now.


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