
Jan 18, 2007 22:31

School is really pants at the moment. Yesterday Albany (the head of my department) had a meeting with the headmistress who basically completely laid into the Welsh department. She says the work we give the kids is too difficult we give them too much homework and we give them too many detentions. She wants to get rid of the Eisteddfod. She doesn't ( Read more... )

humphrey bogart, katharine hepburn, icons, debbie harry, big brother, allison janney, school, blondie

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Comments 47

gingasaur January 18 2007, 22:35:30 UTC

I said that out loud, too. Good thing there was no one else in here! :B


gypsygem81 January 18 2007, 23:13:10 UTC
ok then.


gingasaur January 18 2007, 23:14:08 UTC
What? D:


gypsygem81 January 18 2007, 23:22:15 UTC
Nothing. Nothing at all. I was just saying, 'ok then'. That's all. Just being polite. A passing comment. That kind of thing. No reading between the lines necessary.

Although, now I'm thinking about it, I don't exactly know what you were referring to with the 'hot' comment. But then me not understanding you is nothing new really. I'm getting used to it. I'm guessing it was the icons, and nothing to do with the headmistress' shoes?


girafffes January 18 2007, 22:40:55 UTC
She's just a stupid Scottish witch and she has terrible taste in shoes.
ROFLLLLLLLL! Yikes. That is quite the insult.

The icons are all completely excellent, especially the AJ ones from the new Golden Globe pictures. ♥!


gypsygem81 January 18 2007, 23:16:06 UTC
But it's so true. Everyone's always looking at what she's wearing on her feet in the morning briefing. I, on the other hand, am famed around the school, staff and pupils alike, for my exceptional taste in footwear.

Glad you like :)

How do you do that little heart?! I've always wanted to know.


girafffes January 18 2007, 23:24:26 UTC
I, on the other hand, am famed around the school, staff and pupils alike, for my exceptional taste in footwear.
This I absolutely do not doubt. :D

& + hearts + ; = ♥ (This is extremely lame, but a lot of the time when my friends and I want to express affection for one another we say "I and hearts semicolon you.")


gypsygem81 January 18 2007, 23:28:39 UTC


gingasaur January 18 2007, 23:03:14 UTC
Hahaha guess what just showed up on my Google Alerts.

This post.


gypsygem81 January 18 2007, 23:16:53 UTC
ahahahahahahahha. That's funny.

Though I just got mine, and I didn't get it!


joanie_dearest5 January 18 2007, 23:08:44 UTC
I LOVE the icons sweetie! Snagging a couple of the Katie ones :D


gypsygem81 January 18 2007, 23:23:07 UTC
Thanks so much! Glad you like them :D


joanie_dearest5 January 19 2007, 01:22:29 UTC
You're welcome! I really do :D


melliyna January 19 2007, 04:05:51 UTC
I'm love with the icons but I also dropped in to this post to say I'm sorry you have to put up with Evil Shoe Creature and that it (obviously) must be very annoying to have to deal with that. I would have also said that those icons of AJ make me drool but you probably didn't need to know that ;)


gypsygem81 January 19 2007, 06:50:27 UTC
Aw, thank you - on both counts. It makes me so mad, and totally underappreciated, especially as I know how we work so hard and do more for the kids than any other department in the school. To then be told by our boss that she doesn't like what we're doing is completely disheartening. As much as I hate going on stupid boaring courses, I'm glad I'm on one today so I don't have to see her.

Thanks sweetie :)


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